Unity中文版-Create Gameplay Editor Features-Command-line arguments(自翻译) 行百里 行百里者半九十3 人赞同了该文章 翻译Unity中文版的初衷是因为官方提供的中文版存在缺陷,而且翻译的不全。现在基于Unity2023.2版本对官方文档进行翻译。 安全模式 命令行参数 您可以从命令行(从 macOS 终端或 Windows 命令提示符)...
如果你想通过命令行返回一个错误,你可以抛出一个异常,会引发代码为1的Unity关闭或其他引发EditorApplication.Exit非零代码。 Unity Standalone Player command line arguments Unity 独立版游戏命令行参数 Standalone players built with Unity also understand some command line arguments: Unity创建独立版游戏也要了解一些...
如果你想通过命令行返回一个错误,你可以抛出一个异常,会引发代码为1的Unity关闭或其他引发EditorApplication.Exit非零代码。 Unity Standalone Player command line arguments Unity 独立版游戏命令行参数 Standalone players built with Unity also understand some command line arguments: Unity创建独立版游戏也要了解一些...
Command line argumentsUnity is usually launched by double-clicking its icon from the desktop. However, it is also possible to run it from the command line (from the macOS Terminal or the Windows Command Prompt). When launched in this way, Unity can receive commands and information on startup...
actionCache = cmdActions[cmdArguments[count]]; actionCache(cmdArguments[count + 1]); } } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_destinationPath)) { _destinationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath); } }string>string,>string,> 完整BuildTool ...
Unity3d命令行参数 Command line arguments 简介:通常情况下,Unity可以通过双击桌面上的图标启动,也可以通过输入命令行启动(例如,MacOS终端或者Windows的CMD窗口),通过这种方式在启动时会接受命令和信息,这对测试对象,自动生成和其他制作任务是非常有用的。 通常情况下,Unity可以通过双击桌面上的图标启动,也可以通过输入...
Unity3d command line arguments Options Many of these relate toUnity3d command line arguments Batch Mode - should be left enabled usually, enables the Unity -batchmode No graphics - on Windows only, do not initialize a graphics device during a build to avoid errors when running without a good ...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 参考资料 Unity Command Line Argument http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CommandLineArguments.html 游戏蛮牛Unity用户文档 命令行参数 http://www.unitymanual.com/m/Manual/65.html
语言:中文 Unity User Manual 2022.3 (LTS) 在Unity 中操作 编辑器功能 命令行参数 You can run the Unity Editor and standalone player applications from the command line (from the macOS Terminal or the Windows Command Prompt). This section describes the command line arguments you can use to change...
刚刚设置得别名,Editor command linearguments:这个使用用来运行unity 命令行的dos我这里写的是(-quit -batchmode-executeMethod PerformBuild.CommandLineBuildAndroid)能够理解出我运行得是 项目中Editor文件夹中 PerformBuild脚本CommandLineBuildAndroid方法。这里就会有一个疑问,这样设置好了,jenkins怎么知道我的项目文件夹...