localToWorldMatrix 将点从本地空间转换到世界空间的矩阵(只读)。 lossyScale 对象的全局缩放。(只读) parent 变换的父级。 position The world space position of the Transform. right 世界空间中变换的红轴。 root 返回层级视图中最顶层的变换。 rotation 世界空间中的旋转变换,以 Quaternion 形式存储。 up 世界空...
For a stretching Rect Transform, it can be simpler to set the position using the offsetMin and offsetMax properties. The offsetMin property specifies the corner of the lower left corner of the rect relative to the lower left anchor. The offsetMax property specifies the corner of the upper right...
anchorMinThe normalized position in the parent RectTransform that the lower left corner is anchored to. offsetMaxThe offset of the upper right corner of the rectangle relative to the upper right anchor. offsetMinThe offset of the lower left corner of the rectangle relative to the lower left ancho...
z 位置为与摄像机的距离,采用世界单位。 视口空间的点是标准化的、相对于摄像机的点。摄像机左下角为 (0,0),右上角为 (1,1)。z 位置为与摄像机的距离,采用世界单位。 在全球坐标中定义一个世界空间点(例如,Transform.position)。 另请参阅:camera component。
Rect Transform: 这个组件和Transform一样也有position,rotation和scale,但是多出了width和height。 Pivot下,可以调节中心位置,一切变化都是围绕Pivot展开的Center下,中心就在UI组件的中心,变化围绕中心展开 锚点(Anchors):用于自适应的工具 如果父物体也有RectTransform组件,子的RectTransform可以通过anchored Anchor presets提供...
Prefabs of UI elements are instantiated as normal using the Instantiate method. When setting the parent of the instantiated UI element, it’s recommended to do it using the Transform.SetParent method with the worldPositionStays parameter set to false. ...
As a UI becomes complex, you will inevitably need to implement toggles and sliders, which each allow the user a unique way to interact with an application. In this tutorial, you will add a toggle that allows the user to turn music on and off and a slider
Prefabs of UI elements are instantiated as normal using the Instantiate method. When setting the parent of the instantiated UI element, it’s recommended to do it using the Transform.SetParent method with the worldPositionStays parameter set to false. ...
if (toBeInstantiated != null) {GameObjectnewInstance = Instantiate(toBeInstantiated, grid.CellToWorld(position),Quaternion.identity); newInstance.transform.SetParent(brushTarget.transform); } } } Inherited members Public Functions GetInstanceID返回对象的实例 ID。
ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle Transform a screen space point to a position in the local space of a RectTransform that is on the plane of its rectangle. ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle Transform a screen space point to a position in world space that is on the plane of the given RectTran...