●高特异性:GAL4只在其启动子允许的细胞类型中表达,并且只与UAS序列结合,从而实现高度特异的基因表达控制。 ●灵活性:可以通过选择不同的启动子和UAS驱动的靶基因来实现各种不同的基因调控实验。 总结 GAL4/UAS系统是一种强大且灵活的基因表达调控工具,广泛应用于基因功能研究和基因调控网络的探索。通过精确控制基因...
Introduction of the yeast UAS/GAL4 system into the fly has made such ectopic expression studies easier and more versatile38. With the UAS/GAL4 system, only the construction of a UAS–cDNA construct that drives the gene of interest is required. A fly line carrying the UAS–cDNA construct can...
UAS-Gal4 Systemdoi:10.1007/3-540-29623-9_9073Definition UAS-Gal4 system refers to an in vivo system that has been adapted from yeast, and consists of two transgenic lines of Drosophila – a driver line (yeast transcription factor Gal4 is expressed under the control of a specific promoter)...
利用GAL4-UAS系统在果蝇中分析人类基因功能.pdf,型旦鱼叁L!型△S丕煎盘墨蝇史婴煎厶耋基固功能 摘要 人类基因组草图基本完成,大量的新基因只有确定的序列及基因组定位信 息。新的焦点是要阐明这些基因的功能,果蝇对此起重要作用。 本研究利用转基因果蝇和GAL4-UAS系统初步
Synonyms Bipartite GAL4 /UAS expression system Definition The GAL4 /UAS system refers to the use of yeast proteins which interact to induce the expression of genes from any organism in a tissue and temporal-specific manner. Characteristics The GAL4 /UAS System There are many tools available ...
M. Schwarz et al., 2017 cGAL, a temperature-robust GAL4-UAS system for Caenorhabditis elegans. Nat. Methods 14: 145-148. https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4109Wang, H. et al. cGAL, a temperature-robust GAL4-UAS system for Caenorhabditis elegans. Nat. Methods. 14, 145-148 (2017)....
A GAL4-UAS system for the worm communityLab Animal is a peer-reviewed journal offering information, ideas, methods, and materials for the animal research professionaldoi:10.1038/laban.1240Dustin M. GrahamLab Animal
system,we studiedthe possibility of expressing and functionally characterizationofhuman genes in Drosophila.Fifty-four transgenicfly lines corresponding to10human genes havebeenestablished.When expressedindividuallybycrossing toan array of6differentGAL4driver ...
Keywords:GAIA/UASsystem;transgene;geneexpression 目前,人们已经克隆了成千上万的基冈,但埘这些基因的 功能仍不清楚。由于遗传信息过剩,很多基因在正常状态下 并不表达,将正常状态下沉默的基因进行表达是研究该基 功能的有效途径。转基因技术可使外源基因在宿主细胞中整 ...
关键词:GAAl/UAS系统 ;转基困;基因表达 中图分类号:(y789 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004—31Ix(2x【)6)0J 13078一o4 StudyofGAIA /UASSystem inTransgenicTechnology LIChun—feng.XIAQing—you.ZHOUZe—yang (I,TheKeySericulturalLaboratoryoftheMinistryofAb~iculture,~uthwestUniversity,Chongqing400715;2,...