ii型能带排列(type-ii band alignment)的半导体异质结 半导体异质结是由两个不同材料的半导体构成的结构,其中每个材料的能带结构不同。能带排列是指异质结中能带边缘的对齐方式。在ii型能带排列中,导带的最低能级和价带的最高能级分别位于两个半导体中,这意味着电子和空穴在异质结中分别是在不同的半导体中迁移。
The type-II band alignment at the Ga0.46In0.54Ny P1–y/GaAs interface is concluded for the alloys with nitrogen content y larger than 0.5% based on the appearance of additional features below band edge of GaAs. These features are attributed to the spatially indirect type-II transiH. P. ...
Zheng, XiaoliXu, QunChen, ZhiminRen, YumeiYan, BoESApplied Surface ScienceT. Xu, Y. Wang, X. Zhou, X. Zheng, Q. Xu, Z. Chen, Y. Ren, B. Yan, Fabrication and assembly of two-dimensional TiO2/WO3*H2O heterostructures with type II band alignment for enhanced photocatalytic performance,...
Hazdra, E. Hulicius, Type I-type II band alignment of a GaAsSb/InAs/GaAs quantum dot heterostructure influenced by dot size and strain-reducing layer composition, J. Phys. D 46 (2013) 095103-095111, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/46/9/095103....
近日,佛山市第二人民医院梁健球教授团队运用Evolut PRO成功为一名Type 1型二叶瓣的高危AS患者实施了TAVR手术。患者的基础情况不佳,存在十分明显的左冠风险,手术中发生9次室颤及循环崩溃,过程充满风险与挑战。 不同患者的解剖结构个体性...
Type II band alignment in Si1-xGex/Si(001) quantum wells We numerically calculate the two-particle ground-state wave functions for excitons in SiGequantum wells in an effective mass model and demonstrate how osci... CF Reinhart 被引量: 21发表: 1997年 Experimental and theoretical studies of ...
The controllable growth of semiconductor heterostructures with suitable band alignment and morphology is crucial for the construction of high-performance optoelectronic devices, which is limited to the traditional semiconductor families. Here, high-quality CsPbBr3/CdS heterostructures with a unique 1D morpholo...