体细胞突变(somatic mutation):大部分肿瘤细胞发生的是体细胞突变,突变局限于病变组织或系统中,不会遗传给子女,例如发生在造血系统的体细胞突变,在其它系统中不会被检出。体细胞突变比例一般<50%,但若伴随等位基因缺失(如伴随17p-),则突变比例>50%。 嵌合体突变(mosaic mutation):在胚胎发育过程中发生的突变,导致...
摘要 Pancreatic cancer is a malignant form of cancer with one of the worst prognoses. The poor prog nosis and resistance to therapeutic modalities have been linked to TP53 mutation. Pathological examinations, such as biopsies, cannot be frequently performed in clinical practice; therefore, noninvasive...
Mendoza, Rachelle P et al. “Lung adenocarcinomas with isolated TP53 mutation: A comprehensive clinical, cytopathologic and molecular characterization.” Cancer medicine, 10.1002/cam4.6873. 2 Jan. 2024, doi:10.1002/cam4.6873
[10]Graziano F, Fischer NW, Bagaloni I, et al. TP53 Mutation Analysis in Gastric Cancer and Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Metastatic Disease Treated with Ramucirumab/Paclitaxel or Standard Chemotherapy. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12(8):E2049. Publis...
Fig.1 TP53 mutation status affects Kaplan-Meier curve of patients' OS 1、TP53不同外显子突变 本研究中发现TP53外显子4、5、6、7、8最常见,突变比例分别为21例(12.6%)、31例患者(18.6%)、14例(8.4%)、29例(17.4%)、23例(...
因此,认识肺腺癌中这一独特分子亚组具有预后和治疗意义。 参考文献:Mendoza, Rachelle P et al. “Lung adenocarcinomas with isolated TP53 mutation: A comprehensive clinical, cytopathologic and molecular characterization.” Cancer medicine, 10.1002/cam4.6873. 2 Jan. 2024, doi:10.1002/cam4.6873...
^Sanchez-Lorenzo L, Sancho L, Iscar T, Grisham R, Chiva L. Management challenges in low-grade serous ovarian cancer with a BRCA mutation. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 Apr 1;34(4):631-636. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2023-005240. PMID: 38561200....
文中篇幅里也顺便的另外提示TP53基因突变(阳性)通常和T790M阴性共存,而不是阳性。说明对9291(奥西替尼)更加容易抗药,见海外医疗文档《Prognostic and predictive effects of TP53 co-mutation in patientswith EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)》 ...
Kim DH, Siddiqui S, Jain P, et al. TP53 mutation is frequent in mantle cell lymphoma with EZH2 expression and have dismal outcome when both are present. Hum Pathol. 2024;146:1-7. doi:10.1016/j.humpath.2024.03.002 声明 本资讯旨在帮助医疗卫...
[3]Zhang Y, Li S, Lyu Z, et al. The co-mutation of EGFR and tumor-related genes leads to a worse prognosis and a higher level of tumor mutational burden in Chinese non-small cell lung cancer patients[J]. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2022, 14(1): 185-193. DOI: 10.21037/jtd-21...