Get the TP53 gene in an Expression-Ready Vector for your molecular biology studies by ordering a TP53 ORF Clone.
描述 Homo sapiens mRNA for clg01, complete cds. 檢索號 AB017802 註冊號 AB017802.1 This sequence information is just for reference only. TP53TG5 基因別名 CLG01 dJ453C12.5 TP53TG5 基因表達 Biased expression in testis (RPKM 14.6) and brain (RPKM 1.1)...
开始,可以Search前填入TP53,TP53前选择Gene;也可在右侧Popular Resources下选择Gene进入后再输入TP53 (2)右侧Results by taxon,下拉找到Bubalus bubalis (15),点击 (3)点击蓝色阴影条目进入 (4)点击右侧NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq) (5)点击___ (6)点击全长序列为图中ORIGIN序列 方法二:...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook TP53 Medical Acronyms Wikipedia (tē′pē′fĭf′tē-thrē′) n. Seep53. [t(umor) p(rotein) 53; seep53.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by ...
方法一:普通查找(1)水牛的拉丁学名为Bubalus bubalis 开始,可以Search前填入TP53,TP53前选择Gene;也可在右侧Popular Resources下选择Gene进入后再输入TP53(2)右侧Results by taxon,下拉找到Bubalus bubalis (15),点击(3)点击蓝色阴影条目进入(4)点击右侧NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq)(5)点击___(6)点击全...
TheTP53gene is located onchromosome 17. The Tp53 protein is a negative regulator ofcell proliferationand a positive regulator ofapoptosisinresponse to DNA damagingagents.TP53is the most common mutated gene associated with human cancer. Li-Fraumeni syndrome is a multicancer predisposition syndrome that...
TP53TG5抗原;TP53目标基因5重组蛋白多种属 TP53TG5可能在p53/TP53介导的信号通路中发挥重要作用。它在心脏、大脑和小肠中高度表达。骨骼肌、脾脏、前列腺、卵巢和结肠中含量较少。较小的转录物在睾丸中特异性表达。 详情介绍 Recombinant TP53 Target Gene 5 (TP53TG5) TP53目标基因5(TP53TG5)重组蛋白 [ PROPERTI...
註冊號 NM_033550.3 This sequence information is just for reference only. TP53RK 家族和工具試劑信息 基因家族 KEOPS complex TP53RK 基因別名 BUD32 dJ101A2.2 Nori-2p prpk TP53RK 基因表達 Ubiquitous expression in lymph node (RPKM 5.4), thyroid (RPKM 5.0) and 25 other tissues...
Both hotspot mutants have in Cell Death and Differentiation Hotspot mutations in the TP53 gene EH Baugh et al 160 common that they fail to bind to DNA specifically at the p53 DNA- regulatory sequence. Clearly some environmental mutagens can react with bases in the TP53 gene that produce ...
TP53(R175H)genebasedonanewgenetransfersystem 研究生姓名** 指导教师姓名**祥副教授 专业名称肿瘤学 研究方向分子诊断学 所在院部苏州大学附属第二医院 论文提交日期2016年5月 建立基于新型基因转换系统的检测TP53基因(R175H)早期突变的新方法中文摘要