[2] HAINAUT, PIERRE. [Advances in Cancer Research] Volume 77 || p53 and Human Cancer: The First Ten Thousand Mutations [J]. 1999, 81-137.[3] BAUGH E H, KE H, LEVINE A J, et al. Why are there hotspot mutations in the TP53 gene in human cancers? [J]. Cell Death and Different...
Get the TP53 gene in an Expression-Ready Vector for your molecular biology studies by ordering a TP53 ORF Clone.
[4]https://dailynews.ascopubs.org/do/p53-most-frequently-muted-gene-cancer-but-can-we-target [5] https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/tp53-gene [6]王凤,邓洪滨,邓立力.TP53、EGFR共突变对NSCLC治疗的影响及...
[2] HAINAUT, PIERRE. [Advances in Cancer Research] Volume 77 || p53 and Human Cancer: The First Ten Thousand Mutations [J]. 1999, 81-137. [3] BAUGH E H, KE H, LEVINE A J, et al. Why are there hotspot mutations in the...
BAUGH E H, KE H, LEVINE A J, et al. Why are there hotspot mutations in the TP53 gene in...
[4]https://dailynews.ascopubs.org/do/p53-most-frequently-muted-gene-cancer-but-can-we-target [5] https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/tp53-gene [6]王凤,邓洪滨,邓立力.TP53、EGFR共突变对NSCLC治疗的影响及对预后预测作用的进展[J].中国肿瘤,2019,28(06):445-449. ...
TP53 gene mutations-From guardian of the genome to oncogene. Acta medica medianae. 49(1): 59-63, 2010.Stojnev Slavica, Golubović Mlađan, Babović Petar. TP53 gene mutations—from guardian of the genome to oncogene. Acta Medica Medianae. 2010; 49 (1):59–63....
美国乔治敦大学医学中心肿瘤科于2022年3月31日发表至影响因子3分期刊《Viruses》的文章“TP53 Gene Therapy as a Potential Treatment for Patients with COVID-19(TP53基因治疗新冠肺炎的研究进展)”证明了干扰p53功能是病毒发病机制的重要组成部分,病毒使用的策略是通过干扰P53来降低宿主免疫系统的抗病毒活性。