ConclusionsAt early stage of infection, HCMV can stimulate autophagy in THP-1 derived macrophages, which may not depend on the replication of HCMV. At the late phase of infection, the inhibition of autophagy in THP-1 derived macrophages may be related to the factors such as viral replication...
1. Marie Genin, Francois Clement, Antoine Fattaccioli, etc. M1 and M2 macrophages derived from ...
[2] Serena T , Federica D M , Jieun K , et al. Convenience versus Biological Significance: Are PMA-Differentiated THP-1 Cells a Reliable Substitute for Blood-Derived Macrophages When Studying in Vitro Polarization?[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9:71-. [3,4] 王庸晋, 王治平, 石变...
通信作者:王宏伟,;施旭东, Comparative transcriptomic analysis of THP- 1- derived macrophages infected withMycobacterium tuberculosisH37Rv, H37Ra and BCG Pu W,Zhao C,Wazir J,Su...
Apamin inhibits THP-1-derived macrophage apoptosis via mitochondria-related apoptotic pathwaydoi:10.1016/j.yexmp.2012.04.003AtherosclerosisApoptosisApaminoxLDLThe development of atherosclerotic lesions is mainly due to macrophage death. The oxidative stresses of monocytes/macrophages play a vital role in the...
[摘要] 目的 miR 155在巨噬细胞炎症反应中被诱导,但其调控巨噬细胞炎症的作用尚未完全探索,文章旨在探讨miR 155在脂多糖(LPS)诱导的THP 1巨噬细胞炎症反应中的调控作用及其机制。 方法 使用LPS诱导THP 1来源的巨 噬细胞为体外炎症细胞模型。细胞进行分组:①miRNA转染...
THP-1-derived macrophages. Method:1. THP-1 derived macrophages were incubated with different concentrations (0 mg/L, 25 mg/L, 50 mg/L,100 mg/L) of oxLDL for 24 hours. RT-PCR and Western blotting were applied to detect PPARδmRNA and protein expression, respectively. 2. THP-1 derived...
关键词:THP-1;M1型巨噬细胞;食管鳞癌细胞Eca109;共培养Effects of THP-1-derived M1 macrophages on apoptosis, proliferationand migration of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cellsYANG Yinyin 1 , LI Huiwu 2 , LIU Ling 1 , ZHU Shimao 1 , HAINISAYIMU Tuersun 1 , LI Hui 3 *( 1 School of ...
After 72 h, media was collected, spun, filtered and applied to infect THP-1 monocyte-derived macrophages with 2 μg/μL of polybrene for 24 h. Statistical analyses General Linear Model (GLM) ANOVA, followed by Tukey post-hoc test, was used to test the difference between treatments (P <...