[3] Sedlyarov V, Eichner R, Girardi E, et al. The bicarbonate transporter SLC4A7 plays a key role in macrophage phagosome acidification[J]. Cell host & microbe, 2018, 23(6): 766-774. e5. [4] Benyoucef A, Marchitto L, Touzot F. CRISPR gene-engineered CYBBko THP-1 cell lines ...
[3] Sedlyarov V, Eichner R, Girardi E, et al. The bicarbonate transporter SLC4A7 plays a key role in macrophage phagosome acidification[J]. Cell host & microbe, 2018, 23(6): 766-774. e5. [4] Benyoucef A, Marchitto L, Touzot F. CRISPR gene-engineered CYBBko THP-1 cell lines ...
1. THP-1细胞在偏酸性环境中生长更快,所以当培养基稍微变黄(呈橘红色)时,是适合细胞生长的,此时补液或半换液即可;2. THP-1细胞培养液中需添加β-巯基乙醇(细胞培养级别),若不添加,可能会对细胞状态造成影响;3. THP-1细胞比较难复苏,复苏初期细胞生长缓慢且会有部分细胞破碎,出现黑色细胞碎片,少量...
[3] Sedlyarov V, Eichner R, Girardi E, et al. The bicarbonate transporter SLC4A7 plays a key role in macrophage phagosome acidification[J]. Cell host & microbe, 2018, 23(6): 766-774. e5. [4] Benyoucef A, Marchitto L, Touzot F. CRISPR gene-engineered CYBBko THP-1 cell lines ...
[3] Sedlyarov V, Eichner R, Girardi E, et al. The bicarbonate transporter SLC4A7 plays a key role in macrophage phagosome acidification[J]. Cell host & microbe, 2018, 23(6): 766-774. e5. [4] Benyoucef A, Marchitto L, Touzo...
[3] Sedlyarov V, Eichner R, Girardi E, et al. The bicarbonate transporter SLC4A7 plays a key role in macrophage phagosome acidification[J]. Cell host & microbe, 2018, 23(6): 766-774. e5. [4] Benyoucef A, Marchitto L, Touzot F. CRISPR gene-engineered CYBBko THP-1 cell lines ...
THP-1 cell line: an in vitro cell model for immune modulation approach. Int Immunopharmacol. 2014;23(1):37-45. [2]Jaramillo-Valverde L, Levano KS, Capristano S, et al. CXCR4 Knockdown Via CRISPR/CAS9 in a Tumor-Associated Macrophage Model Decreases Human Breast Cancer Cell Migration. ...
5. F Kianoush, M Nematollahi, J D Waterfield, etc. Regulation of RAW264.7 macrophage ...
图片引自用:Shi J, Li Q, Sheng M, et al. The Role of TLR4 in M1 Macrophage-Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016;40(6):1538–1548. 本文来自流式中文网(flowcyto.cn)欢迎转发到朋友圈,但谢绝复制粘贴转载如有需要请联系mail@flowcyto....