1 Optimized THP-1 differentiation is required for�;Parketal,InflammRes.2007, 56, 45. 2 p38α MAP kinase serves cell type-specific inflammatory functions�; Kim et al, Nat Immunol. 2008, 9, 1019. 3 PDTC is a potent antioxidant�; Zhu et al, FEBS Letters 2002, 532, 80. 4 ...
分化的 THP-1 细胞已被广泛用于体外巨噬细胞模型研究巨噬细胞参与炎症反应。人单核细胞系 THP-1 可以通过佛波醇 12-十四酸酯 13-乙酸酯 (PMA) 分化成巨噬细胞,并通过 LPS 活化。活化的 THP-1 细胞改变形态,分泌炎性细胞因子。监测细胞因子的表达水平是炎症细胞模型的重要生理指标。我们提出了多参数细胞分析的...
参考文献: 1 Optimized THP-1 differentiation is required for;Parketal,InflammRes.2007,56, 45. 2 p38α MAP kinase serves cell type-specific inflammatory functions; Kim et al, Nat Immunol. 2008,9, 1019. 3 PDTC is a potent antioxidant; Zhu et al, FEBS Letters 2002,532, 80. 4...
E W Baxter, A E Graham, N A Re, I M Carr, etc. Standardized protocols for differentiation ...
eta1.UremicConditions DriveHumanMonocytestoPro-AtherogenicDifferentiation 孝贡盾 设计、实施、评估者均为本文作者,均经过正规 viaanAngiotensin-DependentMechanism.PLoSOne.2014; 培训 ,采用完全随机法。 9(7):el02137. 利盛 窕 文章及内容不涉及相关利益冲突。 1『21 MoradiSarabiM,DoostiM,EinollahiN,eta1.E...
图片引用自:https://www.caltagmedsystems.co.uk/information/pma-standard-reagent-for-thp1-cell-differentiation/ 为了成功地将THP-1细胞诱导成M0巨噬细胞,并随后将其极化为M1或M2巨噬细胞,需要考虑以下几个关键因素和方法: THP-1细胞向M0巨噬细胞的分化 ...
[3]Characteristics of NaF‐induced differentiation of HL‐60 cells[J].TomoyukiKawase,AkiraOguro,MichiakiOrikasa,Douglas M.Burns.J Bone Miner Res.2009(11) [4]Pattern of expression of apoptosis and inflammatory genes in humans exposed to arsenic and/or fluoride[J].Science of the Total Environment...
参考文献:1. Tsuchiya S, et al. Establishment and characterization of a human acute monocytic leukemia cell line (THP-1). Int J Cancer. 1980; 26(2):171-6.2. Rössner S, et al. Differentiation of human monocytic cell lines transfected with MCSF-receptor cDNA is associated with c-fms ...
THP-1: human acute monocytic leukemia Origin: established from the peripheral blood of a 1-year-old boy with acute monocytic leukemia (AML) at relapse in 1978; the cells can be used for induction of differentiation studies; the cells were described to produce lysozyme and to be phagocytic; ...