In this talk, David makes the strong argument that if you have emotional agility—or emotion courage—you will be more equipped to handle the stressors that life sends your way. Instead of ignoring the negative things that come up, embrace them and deal with them so you can move on. ...
To understand this side of stress, we need to talk about a hormone, oxytocin, and I know oxytocin has already gotten as much hype as a hormone can get. It even has its own cute nickname, the cuddle hormone, because it's released when you hug s...
which is why, by the way, it’s not a good idea to drive and talk on the cell phone.And under pressure, when we’re concerned about performing at our best, we can try and control aspects of what we’re doing that s...
To understand this side of stress, we need to talk about a hormone, oxytocin, and I know oxytocin has already gotten as much hype as a hormone can get. It even has its own cute nickname, the cuddle hormone, because it's released when you hug someone. But this is a very small part ...
I have a confession to make. But first, I want you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, I want you to just raise your hand if you've experienced relatively little stress. Anyone? 我要跟大家坦白一件事,但首先,我要各位也对我坦白,如果相对来说,你去年压力不大的,请举手...
To understand this side of stress, we need to talk about a hormone, oxytocin, and I know oxytocin has already gotten as muchhype as a hormonecan get. It even has its own cute nickname, the cuddle hormone, because its released whenyou hug someone. But this is a very small part of ...
Okay. Some bad news first. People who experienced a lot of stress in the previous year had a 43 percent increased risk of dying. But that was only true for the people who also believed that stress is harmful for your health. 01:56 ...
TED演讲:如何让压力成为你的朋友 How to make stress your friend 我必须要坦诚一件事,但首先,我希望在座的各位,也可以对我开诚布公一下。 I have a confession to make,but first ,I want you to make a litt…
Whenyouchangeyourmindaboutstress,youcanchangeyourbody'sresponsetostress.Nowto explainhowthisworks, Iwantyoualltopretendthatyouareparticipantsinastudydesignedtostressyouout. It'scalledthesocialstresstest. Youcomeintothelaboratory,andyou'retoldyouhavetogiveafive-minuteimpromptuspeechonyour ...
Now to explain how this works, I want you all to pretend that you are participants in a study designed tostress you out. It's called the social stress test. You come into thelaboratory, and you're told you have to give a five-minuteimpromptuspeech on your personal weaknesses toa panel...