Workplace stress, the stress causing this massive impact, is related to productivity and wellness. Today, that's what we're here to talk about. And by the way, it's linked to employee disengagement, chronic diseases that impact your work and work-rel...
When you talk to them, they can help you to understand that it's not you. They can help you fact check. They can help you navigate what's happening. I think the other thing which comes out of some research that I have done is...
No, even the good stress can mess with you, but it's the bad stress that I came to talk about. And probably not for the reason you'd expect. 00:36 I'm a relationship manager for affluent individuals. Meaning, I work with wealthy folks and their families, hip to hip, helping them ...
Workplace stress, the stress causing this massive impact, is related to productivity and wellness. Today, that's what we're here to talk about. And by the way, it's linked to employee disengagement, chronic diseases that impact your work and work-related injuries and illnesses. And when yo...
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,I am here today to talk to you about the importance of health. Many people take their health for granted and dont realize how important it is until they become sick. A healthy body and mind are essential for a happy and fulfilling life. ...
| TED Talk 注:中英文皆来自网站,不一定完全正确。 英文 00:06 What keeps you up at night? Pondering deep questions? Excitement about a big trip? Or is it stress about unfinished work, an upcoming test, or a ...
One of the things I've been excited to ask you about is just, you know, you talk about how there's two ways of seeing anxiety, right? 我很想要问你一个问题,你曾经提到两种不同的焦虑,是吗? Chronic anxiety and context-based anxiety. ...
And just as chatting to a friend can help decrease stress, speaking directly to yourself may also help you regulate your emotions.就像与朋友聊天可以帮助减少压力一样,直接与自己交谈也可以帮助你调节情绪。Distancedself-talkiswhenyoutalktoyourself,asifinconversationwithanotherperson.间接的自我对话是指你像...
TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." It supports independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event in their own community. Find a TEDx event near you This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxPeacePublicSchoolKottakkal, an independent ...
Stress increases cardiovascular disease as a result of raising blood pressure. So there's a whole raft of things associated with sleep loss that are more than just a mildly impaired brain, which is where I think most people think that sleep loss resides. So at this point in the talk, ...