And anyone can learn these benefits. Because when I talk to people about humor or comedy, sometimes they're intimidated. That event that I went to in Switzerland a couple years ago that made my grandmother say WTF,it was to speak at a conference. And one of the other speakers at that ...
When you talk to them, they can help you to understand that it's not you. They can help you fact check. They can help you navigate what's happening. I think the other thing which comes out of some research that I have done is...
Workplace stress, the stress causing this massive impact, is related to productivity and wellness. Today, that's what we're here to talk about. And by the way, it's linked to employee disengagement, chronic diseases that impact your work and work-rel...
Workplace stress, the stress causing this massive impact, is related to productivity and wellness. Today, that's what we're here to talk about. And by the way, it's linked to employee disengagement, chronicdiseasesthat impact your work and work-related injuries andillnesses. And when you ad...
Can you can you talk more about that flow from anger and frustration to anxiety? Violence frustration is. 这很有趣也很有价值。我的意思是,有一件事让人觉得有关联,那就是,很明显,在这种基于背景的、焦虑的、产生性的情况下,会产生愤怒和沮丧,特别是对那些受到暴力或不公正影响的人来说。你能多谈谈...
managing emotions and managing stress are called as coping skills. emotion has got a biological basis and that is hormonal and involuntary. but expression of emotion can be learned and controlled. social life demands emotional management in personal and professional levels. Stress happens when the ...
that encourage them to talk about and learn about the technologies 有研究指出,在组织内工作的人, in the workplace 若鼓励他们在工作场所 have 20 percent lower stress levels 谈论科技、学习科技, than those in organizations that don’t. 他们承受的压力层级就会比 ...
One of the things I've been excited to ask you about is just, you know, you talk about how there's two ways of seeing anxiety, right? 我很想要问你一个问题,你曾经提到两种不同的焦虑,是吗? Chronic anxiety and context-based anxiety. ...
demonstrated at the start of my talk, the very opposite is true. 我从没想过, “为什么偏偏是我? ”事实上,我记得我脑子里想的是, “为什么不 是我?不顺的事情会发生在你身上,就像发生在其他人身上一样。现在这是你 的人生了,是时候选择下沉或上游。 ”真正的悲剧是,只有少部分人明白这一点。
However, a recent TED talk by a renowned psychologist introduced a novel approach: making friends with stress. This talk resonated deeply with me, offering a fresh perspective on managing and even embracing this inevitable aspect of modern life. The talk began with a simple yet profound ...