BCL6-dependent TCF-1+ progenitor cells maintain effector and helper CD4+ T cell responses to persistent antigen. Immunity. 2022 May 25:S1074-7613(22)00223-0. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.05.003. Epub ahead of print. PM...
近日,来自哈佛医学院的Ana C. Anderson团队在Cancer Cell杂志上发表了一篇题为 Tumor immunogenicity dictates reliance on TCF1 in CD8+ T cells for response to immunotherapy 的文章,他们发现CD8+T细胞中TCF1的表达对于低免疫原性肿瘤ICB反应而言是必需的,对于高免疫原性肿瘤的T细胞启动和治疗反应则是可有可无的...
TCF1 and its homologue LEF1 are historically known as effector transcription factors downstream of the WNT signalling pathway and are essential for early T cell development. Recent advances bring TCF1 into the spotlight for its versatile, context-dependent functions in regulating mature T cell respons...
T cell factor 1 (TCF-1) is a critical regulator of intraepithelial lymphocytes in colorectal carcinoma
The T cell-specific DNA-binding protein TCF-1 is a central regulator of T cell development and function along multiple stages and lineages. Because it interacts with β-catenin, TCF-1 has been classically viewed as a downstream effector of canonical Wnt
2023年8月17日,来自美国宾夕法尼亚大学的Golnaz Vahedi研究团队在Nature Immunology上发表题为Intrinsically disordered domain of transcription factor TCF-1 is required for T cell developmental fidelity的文章,发现敲除先锋转录因子TCF-1的内在无序区域L1会导致T细胞的发育缺陷,L1介导了TCF-1与其早期靶基因的结合,...
前体细胞通常表达有TCF1(transcription factor T cell factor 1 ),这也与SIY特异性细胞所表达的分子标签相符合。 因为SIIN诱导CD8+T细胞水平比SIY更高,作者猜测这一竞争结果很可能与SIY所诱导的TCF+前体细胞相关。为了证实这一猜测,作者分别构建了单独表达SIY和SIIN的小鼠(LucSIIN 和LucSIY ),并发现,仅SIY并不能...
今年8月在本刊发表了题为Exploring the stage-specific roles of Tcf-1 in T cell development and malignancy at single-cell resolution的研究论文。本研究通过多种基因敲除小鼠模型结合单细胞测序分析,对Tcf-1在早期T细胞发育和T细胞...
Tcf1 is induced at the very earliest step of specifying hematopoietic progenitors to the T cell lineage as a key target gene downstream of Notch activation. In addition to promoting maturation of T-lineage-committed thymocytes, Tcf1 functions as a tumor suppressor in developing thymocytes, and ...
2021年6月14日,美国哈肯萨克大学薛海晖团队(中国医科大学为第一单位,赵旭东为第一作者)在(IF=40.36)在线发表题为“TCF1 in T cell immunity: a broadened frontier”的综述文章,该综述总结了 TCF1 在 T 细胞免疫领域的主要发现,并反思了探索 TCF1 及其下游转录程序作为改善抗病毒和抗肿瘤免疫的治疗靶点...