为了详尽研究T细胞对肿瘤的应答过程,以及与新抗原之间的关系,近日,来自美国麻省理工大学的Tyler Jacks研究组在Cell杂志上发表题为Antigen dominance hierarchies shapeTCF1+progenitor CD8 T cell phenotypes in tumors的研究型文章,发现肺癌模型中,亚优势新抗原更加容易引起T细胞响应,并且,在免疫检查点疗法治疗肺癌中可以取得...
近日,美国哈佛医学院医学科学系的研究人员在 Cancer Cell期刊发表了题为:Tumor immunogenicity dictates reliance on TCF1 in CD8 + T cells for response to immunotherapy的研究论文。 干细胞样CD8+T细胞受T细胞因子1(TCF1)调控,与对免疫检查点阻断(ICB)的响应密切相关。然而,在不同的肿瘤背景中,ICB疗效对TCF1+...
近日,来自哈佛医学院的Ana C. Anderson团队在Cancer Cell杂志上发表了一篇题为 Tumor immunogenicity dictates reliance on TCF1 in CD8+ T cells for response to immunotherapy 的文章,他们发现CD8+T细胞中TCF1的表达对于低免疫原性肿瘤ICB反应而言是必需的,对于高免疫原性肿瘤的T细胞启动和治疗反应则是可有可无的...
近日,来自瑞士巴塞尔大学的Daniel D. Pinschewer团队等在Immunity杂志上合作发表了一篇题为The alarmin interleukin-33 promotes the expansion and preserves the stemness of Tcf-1+CD8+T cells in chronic viral infection的文章,他们...
CD8+T cells在哺乳动物应对病原的免疫反应和癌症免疫治疗中有着重要作用。CD8+T 细胞一方面可以通过抗原依赖的途径快速增殖达到清除入侵病原体的目的,另一方面,可以通过细胞因子(IL-7 和IL-15)依赖的途径以较温和的方式进行稳态增殖,以保持...
TCF-1 controls Treg functions that regulate inflammation, CD8 T-cell cytotoxicity, and severity of colon cancerThe transcription factor TCF-1 is essential for the development and function of T regulatory (Treg) cells, however its function is poorly understood. Here, we show that TCF-1 primarily...
CD8+ T cell homeostasis is maintained by the cytokines IL-7 and IL-15. Here we show that transcription factors Tcf1 and Lef1 were intrinsically required for homeostatic proliferation of CD8+ T cells. Multiomics analyses showed that Tcf1 recruited the gen
TCF-1 is a key transcription factor in progenitor exhausted CD8 Tcells (Tex). Moreover, this Tex cell subset mediates responses to PD-1 checkpoint pathway blockade. However, the role of the transcription factor TCF-1 in early fate decisions and initial generation of Tex cells is unclear. ...
The high levels of PD1-TCF1+CD8+T cells had a better PFS in NSCLC and ESCC cohorts. In the NSCLC cohort, high levels of PD1-TCF1+CD8+ T cells were significantly and positively correlated with the number (P=0.0151) and size (P=0.0007) of TLSs. Conclusion In patients with NSCLC and...
亮点•CD8+;T;细胞记忆决策发生在抗原相遇和清除后的早期•控制TCF1的可逆表观遗传开关实现了灵活的决策•开关是随机的,在克隆谱系中产生异质性结果•灵活的决 查看更多 所属学科: 免疫学 阅读论文原文 撰文| Qi 免疫系统通过在免疫反应过程中产生长寿的记忆细胞来存储有关感染的信息,且产生数量可与感染的严...