Hess, "T-cell metabolism governing activation, proliferation and differentiation: a modular view," Immunology, vol. 150, no. 1, pp. 35-44, 2017.Dimeloe S, Burgener A V, Grahlert J, et al. T-cell metabolism governing activation, proliferation and differentiation~ a modular view[J]. ...
By contrast, altered T cell metabolism, and hence function, is also observed in various disease states, in which T cells actively contribute to pathology. In this Review, we introduce the idea that the spectrum of immune cell metabolic states can provide a basis for categorizing human diseases....
In this Review, we focus on the emerging evidence that T cell differentiation and metabolism are closely linked and synchronized by immune cell-specific cytokines and transcription factors that are induced by TCR signalling. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution ...
5. C. D'Souza-Schorey, P. Chavrier. ARF proteins: roles in membrane traffic and beyond.Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol2006; 7:347-358. 6. G. Wang et al. Arf1-mediated lipid metabolism sustains cancer cells and its ablati...
Furthermore, Liver cancer and T cell nutrition competition lead to T cell dysfunction through various molecular mechanisms. Some nanomaterials and drugs can improve T cell metabolism and promote the anti-liver cancer function of T cells. This review discusses the current literature regarding metabolic ...
2024年5月《Cellular & Molecular Immunology》杂志(IF21.8)上发表了一篇名为《Cellular metabolism regulates the differentiation and function of T-cell subsets》的综述。这篇综述阐述了脂类、葡萄糖、氨基酸等代谢产物在介导 T 细胞代谢...
In this review, we provide an overview on the most important intermediate metabolic pathways in T cell subsets. We furthermore discuss the impact of key metabolic pathways such as glycolysis as well as fatty acid synthesis and the mitochondrial metabolism on T cell activation and proliferation. ...
Mini review Proceedings of the European Conference on Aging. Joint Meeting with LINKAGE (ECONAG) Experimental Gerontology Journal 2007,Experimental Gerontology AnisLarbi, ...GrahamPawelec T cell activationand proliferation is a very energetic process. Cells require to adapt their metabolism to reach a ...
In recent years, growing evidence supports the notion that energy metabolites modulate immune cell fate and function via epigenetic modifications. Moreover, changes in intracellular metabolism couple with activation of immune pathways and epigenetic remodeling to finetune the balance between immune cell act...
In this review, we illustrate the relevant metabolic pathways revealed by recent metabolic flux analysis and discuss the consequences of metabolic intervention on specific metabolic pathways in T lymphocytes. 展开 关键词:metabolism T lymphocytes T-cell activation ...