BS35Single-nucleus sequencing of doxorubicin-treated mouse hearts reveals disease progression of cardiomyocytes doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2023-BCS.248Introduction Doxorubicin (Dox) is by far the most notorious cardio-toxic chemotherapy drug, which hampers its clinical use in treating breast cancer, lymphoma ...
Moreover, extensive transcriptional comparisons between reactivated astrocytes and oligodendrocyte lineage cells in response to cerebral ischemia are still lacking. Here we present a large-scale single-nucleus transcriptome dataset of the brain´s acute response to ischemic stroke. We dissect subtype-speci...
#科研# 单细胞核RNA测序(single-nucleus RNA sequencing, snRNA-seq)[思考];10x Genomics和BD Rhapsody单细胞测序平台[思考]
We develop a method to isolate three nuclei from a pollen grain and four microspores from a tetrad for whole-genome sequencing. A high rate of aneuploidy is observed at the three-nucleus stage (6/22 pollens) rather than at the tetrad stage (1/72 microspores) in one HI line CAU5. ...
Single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) has emerged as a powerful approach to interrogating the underlying transcriptional landscape of the cellularly-complex human brain. SnRNA-seq has been used to study AD in different cohorts and brain regions, including the entorhinal cortex15, temporal neocorte...
Single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) is used as an alternative to single-cell RNA-seq, as it allows transcriptomic profiling of frozen tissue. However, it is unclear whether snRNA-seq is able to detect cellular state in human tissue. Indeed, snRNA-seq analyses of human brain samples hav...
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) provides valuable insights into human islet cell types and their corresponding stable gene expression profiles. However, this approach requires cell dissociation that complicates its utility in vivo. On the other ha
Single-nucleus and single-cell RNA-sequencing procedures Gel Bead In-Emulsion (GEMs) were generated using the Chromium 3’ Single Cell Library Kit (v2, 10X Genomics, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions and adapting the adjustments for the cDNA and libraries amplification steps, as ...
Single-cell genome sequencing methods are challenged by poor physical coverage and high error rates, making it difficult to distinguish real biological variants from technical artifacts. To address this problem, we developed a method called SNES that combines flow-sorting of single G1/0 or G2/M ...
Here, we utilized single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) to determine the extent of transcriptional diversity within multinucleated skeletal myofibers. Nuclei from mouse skeletal muscle were profiled across the lifespan, which revealed the emergence of distinct myonuclear populations in postnatal ...