10月,Broad研究所张锋教授团队在Nature Methods上发表题为“Massively Parallel Single-Nucleus RNA-Seq with DroNc-Seq (doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4407)” 的文章,提出了一个新的测序技术:DroNc-Seq单细胞表达谱分析技术。该技术融合了sNuc-Seq技术与微流控技术的单细胞核RNA测序方法,可以在结构复杂的组织中更有效地分析...
开发出一种SCI-seq (single-cell combinatorial indexed sequencing,单细胞组合标记测序技术),多次对细胞进行条形码编码标记后对它们进行测序,可以同时构建上千个单细胞文库,检测体细胞拷贝数的变异。
开发出一种SCI-seq (single-cell combinatorial indexed sequencing,单细胞组合标记测序技术),多次对细胞进行条形码编码标记后对它们进行测序,可以同时构建上千个单细胞文库,检测体细胞拷贝数的变异。
开发出一种SCI-seq (single-cell combinatorial indexed sequencing,单细胞组合标记测序技术),多次对细胞进行条形码编码标记后对它们进行测序,可以同时构建上千个单细胞文库,检测体细胞拷贝数的变异。
Single-nucleus transcriptomics identifies stroke-specific oligodendrocyte lineage cell populations Neuroglial cells are known drivers of regenerative mechanisms following stroke10,11, consist of highly heterogeneous subpopulations and are among the most transcriptional perturbed cell populations within our dataset...
单细胞测序技术( singlecellsequencing) 前言 单细胞生物学最近几年是非常热门的研究方向。在这一领域中,最前沿的则是单细胞测序 技术。传统测序方法一次处理成千上万个细胞,得到的变异水平也是成千上万个细胞的平 均后水平。但是,就如同世界上没有完全相同的两片树叶一样,没有两个细胞是完全相同 的。所以,单...
Design and analysis of single-cell sequencing experiments. Cell. 2015; 163 :799–810. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.10.039. [ Cross Ref ]Leung ML, Wang Y, Waters J, Navin NE. SNES: single nucleus exome sequencing. Genome Biol. 2015; 16 :55. doi: 10.1186/s13059-015-0616-2. [ Cross ...
We develop a method to isolate three nuclei from a pollen grain and four microspores from a tetrad for whole-genome sequencing. A high rate of aneuploidy is observed at the three-nucleus stage (6/22 pollens) rather than at the tetrad stage (1/72 microspores) in one HI line CAU5. ...
Cells, as the fundamental units of life, contain multidimensional spatiotemporal information. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is revolutionizing biomedical science by analyzing cellular state and intercellular heterogeneity. Undoubtedly, single-ce
Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) is revolutionizing our understanding of the genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic landscapes of cells within organs. The mammalian brain is composed of a complex network of millions to billions of diverse cells wit