#科研# 单细胞核RNA测序(single-nucleus RNA sequencing, snRNA-seq);10x Genomics和BD Rhapsody单细胞测序平台O一篇文章终结你对单细胞核测序的所有困惑 一篇文章终结你对单细胞核测序的所有困惑 单细胞测序(single-cell sequencing)是解析生物学现象最强有力的技术手段 自19世纪30年代......
Here, we perform single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) on nearly 300,000 nuclei from the parietal cortex of AD autosomal dominant (APP and PSEN1) and risk-modifying variant (APOE, TREM2 and MS4A) carriers. Within individual cell types, we capture genes commonly dysregulated across variant...
Cite: Habib N, Li Y, Heidenreich M. et al. Div-Seq: Single-nucleus RNA-Seq reveals dynamics of rare adult newborn neurons.Science. 2016 Aug 26;353(6302):925-8. Abstract 单细胞 RNA 测序提供了有关细胞类型和状态的丰富信息。然而,捕获成体神经元发生等罕见动态过程非常困难,因为从成体组织中分...
Defining cellular and molecular identities within the kidney is necessary to understand its organization and function in health and disease. Here we demonstrate a reproducible method with minimal artifacts for single-nucleus Droplet-based RNA sequencing
First, we used single-nucleus RNA sequencing to estimate RNA velocity. Compared to single-cell sequencing, snRNA-seq is more amenable to transcriptomic profiling of postmortem samples because isolated nuclei are intact in frozen tissues29. Moreover, dissociating whole cells from the brain is ...
Single cell RNA-sequencing (scRNASeq) has advanced our understanding of lung biology, but utility is limited by the need for fresh samples, loss of cell types by death or inadequate dissociation, and transcriptional stress responses induced during tissue digestion. Single nucleus RNASeq (snRNASeq)...
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) provides valuable insights into human islet cell types and their corresponding stable gene expression profiles. However, this approach requires cell dissociation that complicates its utility in vivo. On the other ha
As a necessary step in gaining a deeper understanding of the regulatory mechanisms controlling plant gene expression, we report the use of single-nucleus RNA sequencing (sNucRNA-seq) and single-nucleus assay for transposase accessible chromatin sequencing (sNucATAC-seq) technologies on Arabidopsis ...
Single-nucleus RNA sequencing (sNuc-seq) profiles RNA from tissues that are preserved or cannot be dissociated, but it does not provide high throughput. Here, we develop DroNc-seq: massively parallel sNuc-seq with droplet technology. We profile 39,111 nuclei from mouse and human archived brain...