Single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) provides rich information about cell types and states. However, it is difficult to capture rare dynamic processes, such as adult neurogenesis, because isolation of rare neurons from adult tissue is challenging and markers for each phase are limited. Here, we...
#科研# 单细胞核RNA测序(single-nucleus RNA sequencing, snRNA-seq)[思考];10x Genomics和BD Rhapsody单细胞测序平台[思考]
Sequencing libraries were generated using Sure Cell WTA 3′library prep kit (Illumina) following protocol as previously reported63. The 3′ mRNA single-cell RNA sequencing libraries were generated utilizing disposable microfluidic cartridges to co-encapsulate single cells and barcodes into sub-nanoliter ...
Single-cell genomics is essential to chart tumor ecosystems. Although single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq) profiles RNA from cells dissociated from fresh tumors, single-nucleus RNA-Seq (snRNA-Seq) is needed to profile frozen or hard-to-dissociate tumors. Each
Multimodal single-cell/nucleus RNA sequencing data analysis uncovers molecular networks between disease-associated microglia and astrocytes with implications for drug repurposing in Alzheimer's disease Systematic identification of molecular networks in disease relevant immune cells of the nervous system is ...
As a necessary step in gaining a deeper understanding of the regulatory mechanisms controlling plant gene expression, we report the use of single-nucleus RNA sequencing (sNucRNA-seq) and single-nucleus assay for transposase accessible chromatin sequencing (sNucATAC-seq) technologies on Arabidopsis ...
In this work, we report the development of a single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) approach with targeted islet cell enrichment for endocrine-population focused transcriptomic profiling using frozen archival pancreatic tissues without islet isolation. Results We cross-compared five nuclei isolation ...
2. 单细胞测序技术开发。 会议其他回放 石磊#徕卡激光显微切割技术助力植物单细胞组学研究龙艳萍#FlsnRNA-seq: protoplasting-free full-length single-nucleus RNA profiling in plants 推荐直播 更多> 合成生物学前沿技术网络研讨会 主讲人: 时间:11月25日 09:30 ~ 16:30 ...
PTC are quantitatively the greatest contributor to cellular composition of the adult kidney, and recent studies employing single nuclear RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) have uncovered subsets of PTCs with discrete transcriptomic profiles2,3. Profiles matching anatomically distinct PTC segments (S1, S2, S3)...