在这里,我们开发了Div-Seq,它将可扩展的单核RNA测序(sNuc-Seq)与通过5-乙炔基-2'-脱氧尿嘧啶(EdU)脉冲标记增殖细胞相结合,以对个体分裂细胞进行概要分析。sNuc-Seq 和 Div-Seq 可以敏感地鉴定紧密相关的海马细胞类型,并分别跟踪成年海马神经发生区内新生神经元的转录动力学。我们还将 Div-Seq 应用于鉴定和分析...
#科研# 单细胞核RNA测序(single-nucleus RNA sequencing, snRNA-seq)[思考];10x Genomics和BD Rhapsody单细胞测序平台[思考] http://t.cn/A6UNpPAs
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) provides valuable insights into human islet cell types and their corresponding stable gene expression profiles. However, this approach requires cell dissociation that complicates its utility in vivo. On the other ha
Multimodal single-cell/nucleus RNA sequencing data analysis uncovers molecular networks between disease-associated microglia and astrocytes with implications for drug repurposing in Alzheimer's disease Systematic identification of molecular networks in disease relevant immune cells of the nervous system is ...
Here, we perform single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) on nearly 300,000 nuclei from the parietal cortex of AD autosomal dominant (APP and PSEN1) and risk-modifying variant (APOE, TREM2 and MS4A) carriers. Within individual cell types, we capture genes commonly dysregulated across variant...
Single-cell genomics is essential to chart tumor ecosystems. Although single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq) profiles RNA from cells dissociated from fresh tumors, single-nucleus RNA-Seq (snRNA-Seq) is needed to profile frozen or hard-to-dissociate tumors. Each
Single-cell sequencing reveals cellular heterogeneity of nucleus pulposus in intervertebral disc degeneration ArticleOpen access08 November 2024 Serglycin secreted by late-stage nucleus pulposus cells is a biomarker of intervertebral disc degeneration
The comparison of our single-nucleus transcriptomes to the published protoplast transcriptomes validated the use of nuclei as biological entities to establish plant cell-type-specific transcriptomes. Furthermore, our sNucRNA-seq results uncovered the transcriptomes of additional cell subtypes not identified ...
et al. Comparative Molecular Taxonomics of Neuron in Cingulate Cortex of Rhesus Monkey and Mouse via Single-Nucleus RNA Sequencing. Neurosci. Bull. 40, 1751–1756 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12264-024-01209-y Download citation Received08 July 2023 Accepted25 November 2023 Published23 May...