启动串口模块ros2 launch rm_serial_driver serial_driver.launch.py 发送和接收 详情请参考packet.hpp 从电控端需要接受 机器人的自身颜色robot_color以判断对应的识别目标颜色 云台姿态pitch和yaw, 单位和方向请参考https://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0103.html ...
本模块基于 transport_drivers 实现了 rm_auto_aim 项目与电控部分通讯的功能,也可作为使用 ros2 作为开发框架的参赛队的串口通讯模块参考 若有帮助请Star这个项目,感谢~ 使用指南 安装依赖 sudo apt install ros-humble-serial-driver 更改serial_driver.yaml 中的参数以匹配与电控通讯的串口 启动串口模块 ros2 lau...
I tried unpacking the installer exe with 7-zip then told Windows to update the driver and pointed it at the directory containing the unpacked archive. Then it installed correctly. Gorazd Rosbach #11 May 2013 Hi to all! I was experiecing the same problems using my MBED on my home computer...
dispositivo de controle CDC,Usbser.sysserá carregado automaticamente. Você não precisa escrever seu próprio INF para fazer referência ao driver. O driver é carregado com base em uma correspondência de ID compatível semelhante aoutros drivers de classe de dispositivo USB incluídos...
connection available to initialize device"); } UsbSerialPort port = serialPortForDevice(driver); // Choose the appropriate BaseDevice implementation for the particular // robot base, using the corresponding subclass BaseDevice baseDevice = getBaseDevice(port, connection); // Create the ROS nodes...
VSPD是Virtual Serial Port Driver的简写,这是最新的注册版。本软件由著名的软件公司Eltima制作,软件来自官方网站,压缩包里含有注册的Key,可以无限制的使用。可以增加串口数量,VSPD一次虚拟2个串口,一个读,一个发,调试串口好工具。可以虚拟2个串口然后连接起来实现自发自收调试。让你的程序读一个串口,另外一个串口你...
RossASL Occasional Visitor 11-04-2015 12:56 AM Re: Gadget Serial v2.4 Driver for P2000 Today in November 2015 the drivers have been moved and I still can't find them! 0 Kudos Reply Torsten. Acclaimed Contributor 11-04-2015 06:27 AM Re: Gadget Serial v2.4 Driver...
RossASL Visitor 11-04-2015 12:56 AM Re: Gadget Serial v2.4 Driver for P2000 Today in November 2015 the drivers have been moved and I still can't find them! 0 Kudos Reply Torsten. Acclaimed Contributor 11-04-2015 06:27 AM Re: Gadget Serial v2.4 Driver for P20...
ROS driver for serial-connected Roboteq motor drivers 31stars57forksBranchesTagsActivity Star Notifications indigo-devel 6Branches4Tags Code Folders and files AndresRReina and mikepurvis Update example.launch (#21) Oct 14, 2017 1c358be·Oct 14, 2017 ...
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-model href="http://download.ros.org/schema/package_format3.xsd" schematypens="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"?> <package format="3"> <name>rm_serial_driver</name> <version>1.0.0</version> <description>RoboMaster serial driver.</description> <maintainer...