一、环境准备 (一)安装ros2-for-serial-driver sudo apt install ros-foxy-serial-driver (二)安装第三方包串口包 GitHub:ZhaoXiangBox/serial: ROS2 foxy serial 1. 下载源码 git clone https://github.com/ZhaoXiangBox/serial.git 2. 编译源码 cdserial mkdir buildcdbuild cmake .. make 3. 安装 sudo ...
安装 ros2-for-serial-driver 安装第三方串口包 GitHub: ZhaoXiangBox/serial: ROS2 foxy serial 下载源码 编译源码 安装 加载共享库缓存 若无安装过第三方开源库,需将第三方库常用安装路径添加至共享库配置文件中。完成环境准备后,安装串口调试工具。使用串口操作包的 API 请参考: serial: Serial Li...
sudo apt install ros-humble-serial-driver 2. 串口配置 在进行串口通信之前,你需要确保串口设备已经正确配置并可用。你可以使用dmesg命令查看系统日志,以确认串口设备是否被识别。 例如,如果你的串口设备是USB转串口(如CH340),你可能还需要安装相应的驱动程序。这通常可以通过以下命令完成: bash sudo apt install ...
lidar_ip String IP or hostname of lidar (ex., os1-serialno.local) computer_ip String IP or hostname of computer to get data (ex. or broadcast (ex. or if using the default driver, "" for automatic detection lidar_mode String Mode of data capture...
顺便一提,rosserial 支持串口和 TCP 通信,micro_ros 则支持串口和 UDP 通信;rosserial 只支持 C++...
ros-humble-lanelet2-io ros-humble-serial-driver-dbgsym ros-humble-lanelet2-io-dbgsym ros-humble-shape-msgs ros-humble-lanelet2-maps ros-humble-shape-msgs-dbgsym ros-humble-lanelet2-projection ros-humble-shared-queues-vendor ros-humble-lanelet2-projection-dbgsym ros-humble-simple-launch ...
lidar_ipStringIP or hostname of lidar (ex., os1-serialno.local) computer_ipStringIP or hostname of computer to get data (ex. or broadcast (ex. or if using the default driver, "" for automatic detection ...
ros-humble-lanelet2-io ros-humble-serial-driver-dbgsym ros-humble-lanelet2-io-dbgsym ros-humble-shape-msgs ros-humble-lanelet2-maps ros-humble-shape-msgs-dbgsym ros-humble-lanelet2-projection ros-humble-shared-queues-vendor ros-humble-lanelet2-projection-dbgsym ros-humble-simple-launch ...
采用serial 读取IMU数据, 并打包发布IMU topic,以下示例代码是基于C++写的。 IMU通过usb3.0线与树莓派连接,首先确认挂载情况。 # 如有输出,代表IMU挂载成功ls -l /dev/ttyUSB* 修改串口设备访问权限。 #把user加入dialout组,因为只有root和dialout组的用户会有读写权限 {USER_NAME}是用户名sudo adduser{USER_...
serial_no: will attach to the device with the given serial number (serial_no) number. Default, attach to the first (in an inner list) RealSense device. Note: serial number should be defined with "_" prefix. That is a workaround until a better method will be found to ROS2's auto co...