PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset public staticGameObjectSaveAsPrefabAsset(GameObjectroot, stringassetPath); 参数 instanceRoot要保存为预制件资源的游戏对象。 assetPath要在其中保存预制件的路径。 success保存操作的结果(成功或不成功)。将其与控制台日志一起使用,从而进一步了解保存过程。
Preferences 参数选择:对以下参数进行设定 --External Script Editor外部脚本编辑器 ===Use built-in editor(UniSciTE) 使用内置的编辑器(UniSciTE)===Browse浏览其他 --Image application图像应用 ===Open by file extension打开文件扩展名 ===Browse浏览其他 --Asset Server diff tool资源服务器比较工具 --Auto Re...
usingUnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; public class EditorUtilitySaveFilePanel :MonoBehaviour{ [MenuItem("Examples/SaveTextureto file")] static void Apply() {Texture2Dtexture =Selection.activeObjectasTexture2D; if (texture == null) {EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "SelectTexture", "You...
Other:Objects that are neither assets, GameObjects, or components. Information such as used memory Unity uses for different systems can be found here. Not Saved:Objects marked asDontSave Builtin Resources:Unity Editor resources or Unity default resources, such as Shaders you have added to the Al...
using UnityEngine; /// <summary> /// Creates a prefab from a selected game object. /// </summary> class CreatePrefabFromSelected { const string menuName = "GameObject/Create Prefab From Selected"; /// <summary> /// Adds a menu named "Create Prefab From Selected" to the GameObject men...
public static void SavePrefab1() { var path = "Assets/folder.prefab"; Directory.CreateDirectory(path); PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(new GameObject(), path); //<- This causes save prefab to crash when the user clicks "Cancel" in the dialog that pops up }...
in Unity 6000.0.23f1 (or higher), create a new project and import Corgi Engine v9.2 via the Package Manager duplicate the MinimalLevel, name it Progress1 open it select the RetroAdventureProgressManager prefab, change its 5 scene names to Progress1, Progress2, Progress3, Progress4 and Progres...
State of pickups, destructibles, moveables, animators, GameObject active/inactive states, and more Objects spawned into the scene Includes support for Ultimate Inventory System. It also includes: Scene change portals Scene save/load Checkpoint save triggers ...
class, struct, GameObject, Prefab实例、Component、ScriptableObject、Array、Dictionary、List、HashSet、Queue,甚至Unity对象的引用,以及更多。 对于业余爱好者... 无论是否有代码,它都很容易使用,并且有很好的文档。 对于专家... 一个快速、功能丰富、极其灵活的保存系统 ...
折腾了几个小时,最终发现修改 Tools-QHierarchy-去掉Lock勾选就可以解决 autosave问题 ...