// This script creates a new menu item Examples>Create Prefab in the main menu. // Use it to create Prefab(s) from the selectedGameObject(s). // Prefab(s) are placed in the "Prefabs" folder. using System.IO; using UnityEngine; usingUnityEditor; ...
Preferences 参数选择:对以下参数进行设定 --External Script Editor外部脚本编辑器 ===Use built-in editor(UniSciTE) 使用内置的编辑器(UniSciTE)===Browse浏览其他 --Image application图像应用 ===Open by file extension打开文件扩展名 ===Browse浏览其他 --Asset Server diff tool资源服务器比较工具 --Auto Re...
Prefab Variant is not created when using PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset - Apr 22, 2024 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene 3. Select the “Bug-CreatePrefab” GameObject in the Hierarchy window 4. Click ...
usingUnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; public class EditorUtilitySaveFilePanel :MonoBehaviour{ [MenuItem("Examples/SaveTextureto file")] static void Apply() {Texture2Dtexture =Selection.activeObjectasTexture2D; if (texture == null) {EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "SelectTexture", "You...
打开Unity Profiler 1. Window->Analysis->Profiler。 2. Profiler可以确定需要在应用程序中优化什么,并确认优化产生了您期望的结果。默认情况下,Unity记录300帧游戏数据并呈现每一帧的详细信息。 Profiler Window Layout A:Profiler模块。这是可以在应用程序中配置的所有模块的列表。使用该区域顶部的下拉菜单从窗口中添...
public static void SavePrefab1() { var path = "Assets/folder.prefab"; Directory.CreateDirectory(path); PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(new GameObject(), path); //<- This causes save prefab to crash when the user clicks "Cancel" in the dialog that pops up }A...
I will work my way through it and try to replicate what you have done which should give me a bit more to go on as I try to work out how to save and load my game scene.Your example is using prefab cubes which are added to the scene at random positions and random rotations. My ...
class, struct, GameObject, Prefab实例、Component、ScriptableObject、Array、Dictionary、List、HashSet、Queue,甚至Unity对象的引用,以及更多。 对于业余爱好者... 无论是否有代码,它都很容易使用,并且有很好的文档。 对于专家... 一个快速、功能丰富、极其灵活的保存系统 ...
1. In the Hierarchy window, select the Visual Scripts GameObject. 2. In the Inspector window, add a new Script Machine component. 3. Create a new graph named “FilterUpdater” and save it in the Visual Scripts folder. 4. In the Title field, enter “Filter Updater.” 5. In the Summary...
1. In the Hierarchy window, select the Visual Scripts GameObject. 2. In the Inspector window, add a new Script Machine component. 3. Create a new graph named “FilterUpdater” and save it in the Visual Scripts folder. 4. In the Title field, enter “Filter Updater.” 5. In the Summary...