首先,需要确认rs_rgbd.launch文件是否确实存在于realsense2包中。你可以使用以下命令来查找该文件: bash find $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH -name rs_rgbd.launch 如果命令返回了文件路径,那么文件是存在的;如果返回空,说明文件可能不存在于你的ROS环境中。 检查是否已正确安装了realsense2包: 如果rs_rgbd.launch文件不存在...
self._load_launch(launch, ros_config, is_core=core, filename=filename, argv=argv, verbose=verbose)File"/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/roslaunch/xmlloader.py",line720,in_load_launch self._recurse_load(ros_config, launch.childNodes, self.root_context, None, is_core, verbose)...
Intel realsense d435i驱动安装后,运行: roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch 报错出现: ResourceNotFound: rgbd_launch 解决办法: sudoapt-getinstallros-kinetic-rgbd-launch
Sorry may be I do not explain my problem clearly.The problem is that when i run the order 'roslaunch realsense_ros_camera rs_rgbd.launch' to try to get the pointcloud data.The mistake turns up as follows.The picture above is to prove that my camera is functioning correctly in the Real...
Hello, I am trying to make my Intel RealSense D435i RGBD camera but I am getting an error "Unsupported device! Product ID: 0x0B4B" Please do guide me to resolve this error Regards. Here is the terminal copy for reference: roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch ...
started roslaunch server http://oneberry-ROS:37723/ SUMMARY === PARAMETERS * /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_fps: 250 * /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_frame_id: camera_accel_frame * /camera/realsense2_camera/accel_optical_frame_id: camera_accel_opti... * /camera/realsense...
I just made the mistake of updating software (dumb) and am now having trouble with a setup running two D415 cameras. My launch file had been working well for sometime. Rather than just downgrading, I would like to understand the source o...
launch中文含义是启动,launch文件顾名思义就是启动文件,如果没有launch文件,就需要手动rosrun逐个 启动node,遇到大工程的时候,其繁杂程度不可想象,roslaunch是一个用于自动启动ros节点的命令行工具。 roslaunch的启动命令如下:PACKAGE_NAME问功能包名称,LAUNCH_FILE_NAME为launch文件名称 简单的launch文件如下所示: la....
Sorry may be I do not explain my problem clearly.The problem is that when i run the order 'roslaunch realsense_ros_camera rs_rgbd.launch' to try to get the pointcloud data.The mistake turns up as follows.The picture above is to prove that my camera is functioning correctly in the Real...