map\_server功能包支持加载三种类型的图片文件:PGM/PNG/BMP。图片中每个像素的颜色亮度值将被转化成nav\_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid类型中的栅格值,存储在data成员变量中。 加载地图有下面三种方式: trinary scale raw 其中trinary为默认的加载方式。 地图的加载方式通常会被配置在地图文件对应的配置文件中。该配置文件...
map server是一个ROS节点,它可以读取保存在ROS bag文件中的地图数据,并将地图数据转化为ROS消息格式。要加载地图,可以通过以下步骤操作: 1. 安装map server 需要安装map server。在终端中输入以下命令可以安装map server: ``` sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-map-server ``` 其中,"<distro>"是ROS2的发行...
地图服务器(Map Server)参数 yaml_filename参数: 数据类型:string 默认值:N/A 描述:用于设置指向地图yaml文件的路径。 topic_name参数: 数据类型:string 默认值:“map”描述:用于设置对已加载地图进行发布的话题名称。 frame_id参数: 数据类型:string 默认值:“map”描述:用于设置发布的已加载地图中的坐标...
Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up {{ message }} ros-navigation / navigation2 Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 1.2k Star 2.3k Code Issues 66 Pull requests 23 Discussions Actions ...
If you would like to see the map again you could use the map server services, more info is available here: More information can be provided if you share the logs. Share Improve this answer Follow answered ...
[TutBot3] 启动建图程序 $ ros2 launch turbot3_vslam [TutBot3] 启动键盘控制节点 $ ros2 launch turbot3_teleop [TutBot3] 保存地图 $ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map
nav2_map_server cmake_modules include launch src costmap_filter_info map_saver map_server map_io.cpp map_mode.cpp test CHANGELOG.rst CMakeLists.txt package.xml nav2_mppi_controller nav2_msgs nav2_navfn_planner nav2_planner nav2_regulated_pure_pursuit_controller nav2_rotation_shim...
map_server_config_path = os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('rosbot_description'), 'maps', 'map_sim.yaml' ) #--- # Create our own temporary YAML files that include substitutions param_substitutions = { 'use_sim_time': use_sim_time, 'default_bt_xml...
$ ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f my_map You can provide an optional “-f” option to specify the path/name of the map. Make sure you don’t put any extension here, this will be done automatically. When you run the command, you’ll see some logs in white and yellow...
[ERROR] [1701113212.501452801] [map_saver]: Failed to spin map subscription [INFO] [1701113212.502376343] [map_saver]: Destroying [ros2run]: Process exited with failure 1 路径是正确的,文件也能检测到,发生这种问题应该怎么解决呢