在将use_sim_timer 置为true 时,节点 Timer_Callback 行为 “异常” 。在回调函数中,使用 self.get_logger().info("xxxx") 输出信息,希望通过查看 Info 中的时间戳(如下),测试 Timer_Callback 回调频率是否正常。发现该时间戳与预期回调频率不符。 [target_server-7] [INFO] [1720427228.138427518] [target...
just confirming that I understand correctly and that there is currently no "clean" way to set use_sim_time for all controllers through the controller_manager when gazebo is starting the controller_manager, and that the workaround is to set use_sim_time in the yaml for each controller individu...
parameters=[{'use_sim_time': use_sim_time}], arguments=['-resolution', resolution, '-publish_period_sec', publish_period_sec]) rviz_node = Node( package='rviz2', executable='rviz2', name='rviz2', arguments=['-d', rviz_config_dir], parameters=[{'use_sim_time': use_sim_time}]...
4. 在新的已激活 ROS2 环境的终端中为 RViz 节点设置 use_sim_time 参数为 true: 确保Isaac Sim 中的模拟已停止,然后运行以下命令: ros2 param set /rviz use_sim_time true [Humble]注意:此时 RViz 中的 ROS Time 和 ROS Elapsed 时间都变为 0。 5. 在 Isaac Sim 中点击Play按钮。 [Humble]在 RV...
ros2 launch turtlebot4_viz view_robot.launch.py use_sim_time:=true 1. 效果图: 点击左下角的三角符号开始仿真 通过2D Pose Estimate初始化位置 默认的初始位置是地图中间位置有三个颜色的点,选择中间点,方向指向红色点就可以 并设置LaserScan的style为Boxes, Size为0.1, 视觉会更好些 ...
1. `ros__parameters`:这是一个全局参数,用于配置ROS2节点的行为。可以通过在启动节点时使用`--ros-args`参数来设置这些参数。例如,可以使用以下命令设置节点的日志级别: ``` ros2 run my_package my_node --ros-args --param ros__parameters:=my_node_params.yaml ``` 2. `use_sim_time`:这个参数用...
// record end time auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration<double> diff = end - start; std::cout << "Time to fill and iterate a vector of " << std::setw(9) << size << " ints : " << diff.count() << " s\n"; ...
('/tf_static','tf_static')]# Create our own temporary YAML files that include substitutionsparam_substitutions={'use_sim_time':use_sim_time,'autostart':autostart}configured_params=RewrittenYaml(source_file=params_file,root_key=namespace,param_rewrites=param_substitutions,convert_types=True)return...
This issue will aggregate the work on a ROS Time object in the client libraries (C++ and Python) as well as implementing the simulated time similar to (if not exactly like) roscpp::Time + use_sim_time from ROS 1. There is already a desig...
3. `use_sim_time`:用于指定是否使用仿真时间而非系统时间。默认为`False`。 4. `ros_domain_id`:用于指定ROS 2域标识符。默认为`0`。 5. `ros_initial_parameters`:用于指定初始节点参数,以字典形式提供。例如: ```yaml initial_node: ros_initial_parameters: foo: 42 bar: "hello" ``` 6. `ros...