3)# 发送请求:5 + 3rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(client,client.future)ifclient.future.result()isnotNone:client.get_logger().info(f'Result:{client.future.result().sum}')else:client.get_logger().error('Exception while calling service: %r'%...
我们称这种环境为底层。 我们的工作区ros2_ws将覆盖现有的ros2安装。 通常,当您计划迭代少量的包时,建议使用覆盖,而不是将所有包放入同一个工作区。 在工作区的根目录中,运行colcon build。 由于诸如ament_cmake之类的构建类型不支持devel空间的概念,并且需要安装包,因此colcon支持选项--symlink-install。 这允许...
A couple of design decisions in ROS 1 make it difficult to integrate hardware devices (e.g. a sensor or actuator) natively into the ROS graph. The master is a central entity in the ROS graph and needs to be started before any of the nodes. Also the communication between the nodes and ...
Node(passedNodeName){RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "I am ready to capitalize your full name");// like the subscriber class node it's needed the boost::bind to acces the member method// with 2 placeholders to pass request and response to the callbackservice_ = this->create_service<...
1) # 创建跟随运动海龟的速度话题 self.timer = self.create_timer(1.0, self.on_timer) # 创建一个固定周期的定时器,控制跟随海龟的运动 def on_timer(self): from_frame_rel = self.source_frame # 源坐标系 to_frame_rel ='turtle...
} while (rclcpp::ok() && status != std::future_status::ready); return status; } class LifecycleServiceClient : public rclcpp::Node { public: explicit LifecycleServiceClient(const std::string& node_name) : Node(node_name) { } void init() { ...
Client # 创建客户端 Node.create_client( srv_type, # srv_name, # qos_profile # ) # 发出请求 call(request) # 异步请求 call_async(request) # 删除请求 remove_pending_request() # 检查服务是否准备就绪 service_is_ready() # 等待服务启动 wait_for_service() Service ...
if not client.service_is_ready(): client.wait_for_service() node.get_logger().info("...connected!") # Get path to the robot sdf_file_path = os.path.join( get_package_share_directory("warehouse_robot_spawner_pkg"), "models", ...
srv: an srv file describes a service. It is composed of two parts: a request and a response. The request and response are message declarations. srv:srv文件描述服务。它由两部分组成:请求和响应。请求和响应是消息声明。 msgs are just simple text files with a field type and field name per lin...
# if the service for spawning turtle is available self.turtle_spawning_service_ready = False # if the turtle was successfully spawned self.turtle_spawned = False # Create turtle2 velocity publisher self.publisher = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'turtle2/cmd_vel', 1) ...