3)# 发送请求:5 + 3rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(client,client.future)ifclient.future.result()isnotNone:client.get_logger().info(f'Result:{client.future.result().sum}')else:client.get_logger().error('Exception while calling service: %r'%...
Client # 创建客户端 Node.create_client( srv_type, # srv_name, # qos_profile # ) # 发出请求 call(request) # 异步请求 call_async(request) # 删除请求 remove_pending_request() # 检查服务是否准备就绪 service_is_ready() # 等待服务启动 wait_for_service() Service ...
Node(passedNodeName){RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "I am ready to capitalize your full name");// like the subscriber class node it's needed the boost::bind to acces the member method// with 2 placeholders to pass request and response to the callbackservice_ = this->create_service<...
self.result = self.spawner.call_async(request) self.turtle_spawning_service_ready = True else: # Check if the service is ready self.get_logger().info('Service is not ready') def main(): rclpy.init() node = FrameListener() try: rclpy.spin(node) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass rclpy.shut...
本示例中启动了两只小乌龟Turtle1和Turtle2。TF发布器会将Turtle1相对于world坐标系的位置关系和Turtle2相对于world坐标系的位置关系发布出来。为了实现Turtle2跟随Turtle1的效果,程序中获取了Turtle1相对于Turtle2的位置关系并且将其折算成速度控制量。 代码语言:shell ...
service_is_ready 检查服务服务器是否就绪。 wait_for_service 等待服务服务器准备就绪。 服务器准备就绪或超时后立即返回。 属性列表: 属性 含义 备注 handle 句柄 Service 1 class rclpy.service.Service(service_handle, srv_type, srv_name, callback, callback_group, qos_profile) 为ROS 服务服务...
void Nav2Panel::startNavigation(geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped pose) { auto is_action_server_ready = navigation_action_client_->wait_for_action_server(std::chrono::seconds(5)); if (!is_action_server_ready) { RCLCPP_ERROR( client_node_->get_logger(), "FollowWaypoints action server is ...
# if the service for spawning turtle is available self.turtle_spawning_service_ready = False # if the turtle was successfully spawned self.turtle_spawned = False # Create turtle2 velocity publisher self.publisher = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'turtle2/cmd_vel', 1) ...
rclcpp::Service<example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts>::SharedPtrservice=node->create_service<example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts>("add_two_ints",&add); 当它准备好, 打印一条日志消息: RCLCPP_INFO(rclcpp::get_logger("rclcpp"),"Ready to add two ints."); ...
we can't guarantee 100% API compatibility between releases. Check thefeaturespage andROS 2 roadmapto evaluate whether or not ROS 2 is ready to be used for your application or if you can switch from ROS 1 to ROS 2 as it will depend on the exact feature set and requirements of your use...