RosPluginProvider._parse_plugin_xml()pluginfile"c:\opt\ros\foxy\x64\share\rqt_image_view/plugin.xml"inpackage"rqt_image_view"not found C:\ros_ws>rqt RosPluginProvider._parse_plugin_xml()pluginfile"c:\opt\ros\foxy\x64\share\rqt_gui_cpp/plugin.xml"inpackage"rqt_gui_cpp"not found Ros...
RosPluginProvider._parse_plugin_xml() plugin file "c:\opt\ros\foxy\x64\share\rqt_image_view/plugin.xml" in package "rqt_image_view" not found RosPluginProvider._parse_plugin_xml() plugin file "c:\opt\ros\foxy\x64\share\rqt_image_view/plugin.xml" in package "rqt_image_view" not f...
命令 roscore rqt_image_view /image export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost_IP:11311ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge ros2 run image_tools cam2image首先启动roscore(左上角),接着运行自己的ROS1节点(左下角)。然后启动ros1_bridge(右上角),它将监视可用的 ROS 1 和 ROS 2 主题,一旦检测到匹配...
rqt_topic : latest=1.6.1, local=1.6.1 tf2_ros : latest=0.31.6, local=0.31.6 rqt_runtime_monitor : latest=1.0.0, local=1.0.0 tracetools : latest=6.3.1, local=6.3.1 rqt_action : latest=2.1.2, local=2.1.2 rqt_service_caller : latest=1.1.1, local=1.1.1 ros_workspace : latest...
#Shell C:source${ROS1_INSTALL_PATH}/setup.bash#Or, on OSX, something like:#. ~/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/setup.bashrqt_image_view /image Now we start the ROS 2 image publisher from theimage_toolsROS 2 package: #Shell D:source${ROS2_INSTALL_PATH}/install/setup.bash ...
_parse_plugin_xml() plugin file "c:\opt\ros\foxy\x64\share\rqt_image_view/plugin.xml" in package "rqt_image_view" not found RosPluginProvider.load(rqt_top/TOP) exception raised in __builtin__.__import__(rqt_top.top_plugin, [Top]): Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:...
as well as the Python packagerospkg To run the following examples you will also need these ROS 1 packages: rosbash(forrosrunexecutable) roscpp_tutorials rospy_tutorials rostopic rqt_image_view Prerequisites for the examples in this file
Details View the camera imageNow using ros2 node list we can see that the camera has started. To get a camera image preview, we can run another node called rviz2 located in the package with the same name.Below there is a command to run rviz2 node.husarion@husarion:~$ rviz2...
import rospkg ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rospkg' 但安装了 Anaconda,且在终端 init 后,默认情况下,每次进入终端,都会直接进入 base 虚拟环境(相当于执行了 conda activate base),此时,在编译 ROS 的时候,很多 package 是基于 python2.7 的,如果直接在终端里进行编译,调用的是anaconda高版本的 python...
• The script has been moved out of the turtlebot meta package and now lives in a package of its own, ros-indigo-laptop- battery-monitor. Similarly, the LaptopChargeStatus message type that used to be found in the linux_hardware package has been replaced with the Smart...