当你遇到“ros2 package not found”的错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 检查ROS2环境是否正确安装并配置: 确保ROS2已经按照官方文档正确安装在你的系统上。 可以通过在终端中运行ros2 --version来检查ROS2是否安装成功,并查看安装的版本。 确认所需的ROS2包是否已经安装: 如果你知道具体是哪个包未找到...
package_name=args.package_name, executable_name=args.executable_name) except PackageNotFound: raise RuntimeError(f"Package '{args.package_name}' not found") except MultipleExecutables as e: msg = 'Multiple executables found:' for p in e.paths: msg += f'\n- {p}' raise RuntimeError(msg...
ROS2:报错:package 'turtle_tf2_py' not found 在学习tf坐标变换的乌龟小实验中,运行乌龟仿真程序出现的报错 问题分析:原因还是没有先source一下 解决:首先 source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash 然后再运行乌龟 ros2 launch turtle_tf2_py turtle_tf2_demo.launch.py 参考:github上的一个老哥的回答 顺带一提...
By not providing "Findturtlebot3_msgs.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "turtlebot3_msgs", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "turtlebot3_msgs" with any of the follow...
$ rosrun chapter2_tutorials example1_a 都会提示 Error: package ‘chapter2_tutorials’ not found 此时执行下边三条命令之后就可以了! $ cd~/dev/catkin_ws//移动到工作空间,你的可能不是这个目录名,根据自己的更改$ catkin_make--pkg chapter2_tutorials ...
I get the following error: `Caught exception when trying to load file of format [py]: "package 'nav2_bringup' not found, searching: ['/home/schmi/ros2_ws/install/isaac_ros2_messages', '/home/schmi/ros2_ws/install/carter_navigation', '/home/schmi/ros2_ws/install/carter_descrip...
PATH environment variable does not have C:\libjpeg-turbo64\bin in it. Adding... WARNING: Write-ChocolateySuccess is deprecated and will be removed in v2. If you are the maintainer, please remove it from your package file. libjpeg-turbo may be able to be automatically uninstalled. Environment...
# extension files to be found. set(PYTHON_SOABI cpython-311) # find the host python then override the include and library directories to link against the target cross compiled binaries find_package(PythonInterp 3.11 REQUIRED) set(NUMPY_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/usr/lib/python3.11/...
from ament_package.templates import get_environment_hook_template_path ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ament_package' CMake Error at /home/traversaro/mambaforge/envs/ros2env/share/ament_cmake_core/cmake/ament_cmake_package_templates-extras.cmake:41 (message): ...
Building the husky_ws dockerfile will now fail due to upstream package changes. The solution is to simply remove that package, since Husky do not have GPS. For more info, see: https://github.com/j3...