Hi, When trying to launch rviz2 from the terminal this error appears: StandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-user' [rospack] Error: package 'rviz_common' not found [librospack]: error while…
Node( package="swri_transform_util", executable="initialize_origin.py", name="initialize_origin", parameters=[ {"local_xy_frame": "slc"}, {"local_xy_origin": "slc"}, { "local_xy_origins": """[ {"name": "slc", "latitude": 40.76935585340519, "longitude": -111.89730834960938, "altit...
actions import Node def generate_launch_description(): return LaunchDescription([ Node(name='does_machines', package='donatello', executable='donatello_node'), ]) You can choose whether you want to use the import X or from X import Y syntax. This guide uses the latter for the launch and...
The ROS 2 Bouncy release includes a framework in which launch files, written in Python, can start and stop different nodes as well as trigger and act on various events. The package providing this framework islaunch_ros, which uses the non-ROS-specificlaunchframework underneath. ROS 2 Bouncy及...
package='demo_nodes_cpp', node_executable='add_two_ints_client', output='screen') return launch.LaunchDescription([ server, client, # TODO(wjwwood): replace this with a `required=True|False` option on ExecuteProcess(). # Shutdown launch when client exits. ...
package='demo_nodes_cpp', node_executable='add_two_ints_client', output='screen') return launch.LaunchDescription([ server, client, # TODO(wjwwood): replace this with a `required=True|False` option on ExecuteProcess(). # Shutdown launch when client exits. ...
package='demo_nodes_cpp', node_executable='add_two_ints_client', output='screen') return launch.LaunchDescription([ server, client, # TODO(wjwwood): replace this with a `required=True|False` option on ExecuteProcess(). # Shutdown launch when client exits. ...
going to create a new package package name: py_pubsub destination directory: /home/user/ros2_ws/src package format: 3 version: 0.0.0 description: TODO: Package description maintainer: ['user <user@todo.todo>'] licenses: ['TODO: License declaration'] ...
This command will take 2 arguments: name of the package + name of the launch file.First, go into another terminal and source your ROS2 workspace. Then:$ ros2 launch ros2_tutorials_py demo.launch.py [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/ed/.ros/log/2020-07-03...
When the driver cannot connect to the device try to reconnect after this timeout (in seconds). For Example:reconnect_timeout:=10 wait_for_device_timeout: If the specified device is not found, will waitwait_for_device_timeoutseconds before exits. ...