RNA‐binding proteinsHypervarlable minisatellite DNA sequences are short, tandemly repeated sequences present at numerous loci in eukaryotes. They stimulate intermolecular homologous recombination up to 13-fold in human cells in culture and may be specific sites for the initiation of recombination in ...
RNA-binding proteins are proteins that bind to ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules, are generally found in the cytoplasm and nucleus, and are important in forming ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). One type of RNP, hnRNPs (heteronuclear proteins), are important in splicing of mRNA (messenger RNA), polyaden...
RNA-Binding Proteins RNA-Binding Proteins(RNA-Binding Proteins) CAS: 化学式: 主页 产品 RNA-Binding Proteins 中文名RNA-Binding Proteins 英文名RNA-Binding Proteins 英文别名RNA-Binding Proteins
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are central to most if not all cellular processes, dictating the fate of virtually all RNA molecules in the cell. Starting with pioneering work on ribosomal proteins, studies of bacterial RBPs have paved the way for molecular studies of RNA–protein interactions. Wor...
Here, we list predicted miRNA-target interactions overlapped withCLIP-Seq data2. starbase:数据库功能: 1. starBase is designed for decodingPan-Cancer and Interaction Networks of lncRNAs, miRNAs, competing endogenousRNAs(ceRNAs), RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and mRNAs from large-scale CLIP-Seq(...
2. Sodir, N. M. et al. Reversible Myc hypomorphism identifies a key Myc-dependency in early cancer evolution.Nat. Commun. 13, 6782 (2022). 3. Pereira, B., Billaud, M. & Almeida, R. RNA-binding proteins in cancer: old players and new actors.Trends Cancer3, 506–528 (2017)....
RNA结合蛋白质(RNA binding protein,RBP)在生精细胞发育中的重要性已得到广泛认可,其通过调控RNA的剪接、稳定、转运或翻译过程,而影响基因的表达和细胞的功能。然而,至于RBP如何精准地调控生精细胞发育以及其异常如何导致不育,仍知之甚...
Sequence-specific DNA and RNA binding proteins (e.g. promoters, gene regulatory proteins and transcription factors) are vital in normal cellular control and in disease states such as cancer and specific genetic diseases. These regulatory proteins are poten...
RNAbinding proteins(RBPs) are a large and diverse protein class (1000+ members) [1], which act as essential modulators of RNA function.RBPsregulateRNA splicing, as well as initiation, elongation, and termination of translation. RBPs can also inhibit translation, modulate RNAsubcellular localizatio...
背景RBM10 contains RNA recognition motif found in a variety of RNA binding proteins, including various hnRNP proteins, proteins implicated in regulation of alternative splicing, and protein components of snRNPs. In vitro studies showed that the rat homolog bound to RNA homopolymers, with a preference...