(1997) Structures of RNA- binding proteins. Q Rev Biophys 30: 195±240.Arnez, J. G. & Caverelli, J. (1997). Structures of RNA- binding proteins. Quart. Rev. Biophys. 30, 195-240.Arnez, J.G. & Cavarelli, J. (1997). Structures of RNA-binding proteins. Q. Rev. Biophys. 30,...
Genomic era analyses of RNA secondary structure and RNA-binding proteins reveal their significance to post-transcriptional regulation in plants Ian M.Silverman, ...Brian D.Gregory, inPlant Science, 2013 3RNA-binding proteins RNA-binding proteinsare a ubiquitous and heterogeneous class of proteins foun...
Unpublished structure of TDP43 RRMs Glossary Rossmann fold A common protein-folding pattern that contains the topology of a β-α-β fold. It is found in many nucleotide- binding proteins. Drosha A nuclease of the RNase III family that, as part of a complex, cleaves primary microRNA (pri-...
使用者输入Protein/RNA序列,在“Example”中选择预测类型:只预测RNA上Protein的靶位点/预测RNA(Protein)在Protein(RNA)上的靶位点,结果展示中序列下方为“+”处为可能存在的靶位点。 4、DeepBind:a tool for predicting the sequence specificities of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins by deep learning. 预测工具,可...
研究表明,拟南芥ASCO-lncRNA竞争NUCLEAR SPECKLE RNA- binding proteins (NSRs)并且隔绝NSRs以调节靶基因的选择性剪接模式(图4d)(Bardou et al. 2014)。lncRNA也是端粒酶分子机制的组成部分。例如,lncRNA AtTR是端粒酶的RNA亚基,它与端粒酶逆转录酶(TELOMERASE REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE, TERT)相互作用,维持端粒的完整性...
The protein SF1 is a member of the STAR family of proteins and possess a KH domain extended by a conserved CK sequence necessary for RNA binding. The structure of SF1 KH-CK in complex with a 5′-UAUACUAACAA-3′ RNA was solved by NMR (Fig. 34J) [26]. Although a structure of a...
RNA-binding proteins are proteins that bind to ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules, are generally found in the cytoplasm and nucleus, and are important in forming ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). One type of RNP, hnRNPs (heteronuclear proteins), are important in splicing of mRNA (messenger RNA), polyaden...
lncRNA MLLT4-AS1 可以编码含有21个氨基酸的微肽,其可与剪接型 X-box 结合蛋白1(X-box binding protein 1 spliced, XBP1s)相互作用,因而被命名为 XBP1s 结合多肽(XBP1SBM)[29],该微肽在TNBC组织和Gln缺失的TNBC细胞系中上调。Gln ...
RNA Binding Proteins 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 9 作者: GP Rédei 摘要: These proteins modify the RNA structure locally or globally; they may affect RNA trafficking, mRNA biosynthesis, translation, splicing, polyadenylation, differentiation and diseases. They may be part of the combinatorial ...
RNA regulation is significantly dependent on its binding protein partner, known as the RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Unfortunately, the binding preferences for most RBPs are still not well characterized. Interdependencies between sequence and secondary st