【Unity3d】使用强大的开源免费海面渲染插件制作逼真的池核场景 1.7万 4 01:22 App 【AI动捕】视频迁移版UE5.5插件正式发布,上传视频连接UE5制作3D动画,基于本地显卡配置运行,加速3D动画制作效率 866 0 04:17 App Unity小工具-物体的拖拽与组装 420 0 18:45 App 20、无需编程!使用Unity、DOTS、ECS的可视化...
Demonstration Video: https://youtu.be/1ZGCbvZor1cPlay with one controller or tracker mounted on a stick for spear-like play. Or use the Two Controller mode to play with a virtual spear drawn between both controllers. Use the trigger to switch the controller to be the 'front' hand. The ...
1,Dev Environment: Unity 2019.4.8f1 LTS ,with these packages 2,Hardware : i9 9900K + RTX 2080 + 64G RAM (2666Mhz) 3,Frequency of occurrence : everytime 4,Steps to reproduce: Download and import OpenVR-XR-Plugin-Installer.unitypackge and ...
Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
State of Play announcement video Technical test trailer Overwatch 2 Pick your hero from over 30 varied options in this always-onteam shooterthat supports an array of game modes and maps. Play as an att...
在Unity Editor Play模式下预览调试 降功耗优化措施 分区渲染 Unreal平台 业务简介 使用入门 开发准备 应用开发 新建工程、Android环境配置 集成SDK Unreal插件包 应用程序的AndroidManifest配置 VRLauncher图标要求 在关卡中添加HuaweiVRCamera 手柄适配 中心注视点渲染适配 ...
PS4 体验版西游记之大圣归来 VR 试玩版 (中文版) 免费 PS4 体验版讨鬼传2 继承体验版 (中文版) 免费 PS4 体验版奇境守卫测试版 (中文版) 免费 PS4 体验版人类拯救计划测试版 (中文版) 免费 PS4 体验版舞之灵 体验版 (中文版) 免费 PS4 体验版除夕VR测试版 (中文版) 免费 PS4 体验版讨鬼传 极 体...
There are two things to note. The first is that the VideoViewer script we wrote won’t compile in the Android build, so either delete it or surround the Start() method with an “#if (UNITY_PRO && (UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE) ) … #endif”. The other is that the mere prese...
VRplay 联手 Unity 开发者社区活动北京站进行中!报名审核超员并换了大场地!Unity 中国带来首次 visionOS 开发主题分享,超乎预料的充实内容! û收藏 转发 1 ñ8 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 游戏博主 查看更多 a 114关注 3.1万粉丝 6389微...
A playback and recording system for VR development in Unity. VR-Recorder addresses the need during vr development to test user interactions in a repeatable way. It achieves this by allowing you to record a session, including the HMD camera position and pose, and any controller position and pos...