UnityEditor Other PlayableDirector.Play Other Versions Leave feedback public void Play(Playables.PlayableAsset asset); public void Play(); Parameters asset An asset to instantiate a playable from. addMissingComponents Should required components be added to targetGameObjects if they are missing....
访问在线多人游玩、每月精选免费游戏、独家折扣和其他福利,从而增强您的 PlayStation 体验 。 探索PlayStation Plus 感知新现实 使用开创性的PlayStation VR2头戴设备和PlayStation VR2传感控制器,给你身临其境的体验。 了解更多 在社交媒体上关注我们 正在寻找主机相关帮助? 了解更多...
Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
Toolkit.OpenVR.Headers Assembly: Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Providers.OpenVR.dll C++ 复制 public: float flFingerSplay2; Field Value Single Applies to 产品版本 MRTK2 Unity 2018 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0,...
VRLauncher图标要求 自定义Activity设置 2D界面提示设置 功能选项 集成多个相机 在Unity Editor Play模式下预览调试 降功耗优化措施 分区渲染 Unreal平台 业务简介 使用入门 开发准备 应用开发 新建工程、Android环境配置 集成SDK Unreal插件包 应用程序的AndroidManifest配置 VRLauncher...
Create your own games using Circuits, Rec Room’s visual programming tool, and use the Maker Pen to draw shapes in 3D. Advanced creations are possible thanks to Rec Room’s partnership with Unity. Rec Room supports PlayStation VR and M...
PlayMaker - Visual Scripting for Unity. Make games, VR, AR, and other interactive content in Unity without writing code.
SteamVR版本:1.2.3 PlayMaker:1.9.0 一、导入包 导入SteamVR时,接收所有的设定: 如果导入的是SteamVR 2.0.1,需要进行下面的一步(但是不建议导入此版本): 二、物块抓取 场景中放置一个物块,此时它是没有物理效果的: 为它添加组件: 此时再运行,激光点指向物块按住鼠标左键,可以拿起物块并且进行投掷。
最近,Unity的最新学员将在英国索尔福德开启,所有培训计划将由西蒙-本森(Simon Benson)负责,而他曾是索尼的沉浸式技术小组的主任,并带领组员开发出了大名鼎鼎的PlayStation VR。目前,本森是HOST的沉浸式技术总监,它是位于英国媒体城的创新中心,Unity卓越中心项目就将设在这里。HOST与Unity的合作将看到该组织在6...
Get the Steam VR tools for Playmaker package from Dithernet and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Visual Scripting options on the Unity Asset Store.