Visual Scripting in Unity helps to create scripting logic with visual, drag-and-drop graphs instead of writing code from scratch. It enables more seamless collaboration between programmers, artists, and designers for faster prototyping and iteration to accelerate your VR game and app development proces...
通过Game Manager进行游戏管理来编写游戏,可以使程序更具有面向对象的特性,对于程序的修改、调试更为直观和方便,从而减少BUG出现的几率。 关于VR游戏中的UI,大部分Unity开发者在Unity4.6之后会倾向于选择官方的UGUI。在UGUI中,UI的TEXT、Button和Image等组件均是Canvas的子物体时才能正常工作。Canvas的默认渲染模式是以屏...
Unity VR 允许直接从 Unity 中以虚拟现实设备为目标,而无需项目中的任何外部插件。它提供了基本 API 和功能集,可兼容多种设备。还可为未来的设备和软件提供前向兼容性。
using UnityEngine; using VRStandardAssets.Utils; namespace VRStandardAssets.Examples { // This script is a simple example of how an interactive item can // be used to change things on gameobjects by handling events. public class ExampleInteractiveItem : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private Ma...
接下来我们先来了解Unity编辑器中的另外一个重要视图-Game视图。 它的作用是显示玩家在游戏中所看到的内容,画面经过场景中的相机进行渲染后呈现在视图上。和场景Scene视图不同的是,展示在游戏Game视图区的画面将是玩家实际看到的画面。 点击Scene视图标签右边的Game标签,就会看到玩家视角会看到的画面了。
Unity Cloud 使实时 3D 创作和消费更易于访问、协作和互联 Unity Grow 支持货币化和获取用户以及发布游戏,包括 LevelPlay、广告网络、TapJoy Offerwall、设备广告和 Supersonic,可将移动游戏扩展为成功的业务 Unity 发行 Unity 的 Supersonic 提供发布技术,使您能够有利地扩展游戏。
Unity’s UI System in VR (Nov 25th, 2015) : Blink and fade transitions (Oct 29th, 2014) Squeezing Performance out of Your Unity Gear VR Game: Part 1 (May 12th, 2015), Part 2 (June 3rd, 2015) Oculus Connect 2: Bringing ‘Adventure Time’ to Gear VR (Nov 4, 2015) Disabling Yaw...
虽然这种交互不算严格意义上的剧情型UI,但是将用户界面跟游戏对象关联在一起,可以让我们大概了解Unity的剧情型UI是如何工作的。 关于UI的延伸阅读信息 关于UI类型的更详细分析(不涉及到VR),可以参考这篇文章。 Gamasutra – Game UI Discoveries: What Players Want ...
3 Best game engines for VR UNITY 5.3: Offered by Unity Technology. It is a free version with all the features available. This is one of the most used and popular VR game engines. There are so many reasons for that. One of those is that it offers cross platform deployment to the entir...
Next, start up Unity. From the welcome screen, select Open and then the StarterNinja folder to open the NinjaAttack project. In the Project Browser, double-click MainScene in Assets. Then give the game a try by pressing Play. You’re the ninja on the left. As monsters make their way ...