Free tutorials, courses, and guided pathways for mastering real-time 3D development skills to make video games, VR, AR, and more.
XR Interaction Toolkit 是跨平台的,并逐渐成为业界的流行标准。学习这套开发工具理论上可以开发市面上的大部分设备,比如 Quest、Pico、Apple Vision Pro 和 PCVR。在跨平台开发中更方便。学习本教程并掌握常见的交互式开发模块可以降低未来开发新设备的学习成本。 本课程是 XR Interaction Toolkit 最新的系统开发教程,...
2153 -- 56:05 App [Unity教程][VR][射箭]Unity制作VR射箭游戏 485 -- 20:38 App [Unity教程][2D平台]如何进行 2D 近战攻击 3886 2 21:50:26 App [Unity教程][生存游戏]Unity Survival Game Tutorial 547 -- 6:02:27 App [Unity教程][2D]Unity制作2D平台游戏教程 1183 -- 2:23:39 App ...
Free tutorials, courses, and guided pathways for mastering real-time 3D development skills to make video games, VR, AR, and more.
Unity Tutorial : VR, Oculus Avatar and Grabbing Object setup IN 5 MINUTES feifanren 粉丝-87关注 -21 +加关注
The tutorial presents the Unity3D game engine, descnbing its mam features (cross-platforms applications, cloud build, the asset store, and the wide community of users). Moreover, the tutorial introduces the integration of Unity 3D with AR and VR tools.Paolo Sernani...
Unity3D Basics: Step into VR development This tutorial will help you familiarize yourself with the Unity3D environment and should prepare you for creating a simple VR game/experience. Starting with the absolute basics, you’ll learn how to navigate Unity3D and create game objects. As the tutoria...
A tutorial on how to make a VR Bowling game using the components from the VRTK suite within theUnitysoftware. This tutorial covers the basics of getting a VR camera working within Unity and being able to interact with objects within the scene. ...
Some VR games are open source, but most of them are either very basic or too complex to be easily used in research. In this paper, we present two source-available VR games developed from freely available Unity Learn games: a kart racing game and a 3D adventure game. Our hope is that ...
001. 团结3d 教程-健康栏部分1(001. Unity3d Tutorial - Health Bar part 1) 002. 团结3d 教程-健康栏部分2(002. Unity3d Tutorial - Health Bar part 2) 003. 团结3d 教程-敌人 AI 部分1(003. Unity3d Tutorial - Enemy AI part 1) 004. 团结3d 教程-敌人 AI 部分2(004. Unity3d Tutorial - ...