Crash on AudioClipPlayable::HandlePlayEvent when loading and instantiating Addressables in Play Mode -- - Mar 06, 2024 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “repro-project“ 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/AssembleBase_always_addressable.unity“ scene 3. Open the...
AudioSource组件的AduioPlayer audioClip = .GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip; /* public static PlayClipAtPoint(AudioClip clip, Vector3 position, float volume = 1.0F); */ //在当前3D音效 AudioSource.ClipAtPoint(audioClip,this.transform.position); } } 标签:Unity, 音效系统 好...
描述 在世界空间中的给定位置播放 AudioClip。该函数会创建一个音频源,并在剪辑播放完毕后自动处置该音频源。using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;[RequireComponent(typeof(AudioSource))] public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public AudioClip clip; void Start() { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(...
Only the first Audio Clip gets played in WebGL when more than one Track is in the Timeline Resolution Note: This is a dupe of a bug that is currently open. When the fix lands on the duplicated bug, I will test the fix with this project too. Duplicate of https...
与Sequence、Repeat、Parallel 配合 这三个本质都是 Sequence,所以这里只展示 PlaySound 在 Sequence 的用法,如下: usingUnityEngine;namespaceQFramework.Example{publicclassAudioKitActionExample:MonoBehaviour{privatevoidStart(){varheroClip=Resources.Load<AudioClip>("hero_hurt");ActionKit.Sequence().Delay(1.0f)....
小到听不见,修改第三个参数也没用,有没有人碰到过这个问题? Zero 颇具名气 6 如果我没猜错的话,这个函数应该是默认播放是3d模式,不然大可不必用这个函数播放音频, 也就是你的耳朵(audio listener)隔的太远了,所以声音不大 莫家曦 默默无闻 1 楼主这么早发的贴子,应该已经解决了吧。。。修改第二个参数...
MovieTextures are a pro-only feature. See Also: Stop, audioClip JavaScript // Assigns a movie texture to the current material and plays it.var movTexture : MovieTexture;function Start () { renderer.material.mainTexture = movTexture; movTexture.Play();}...
This is the original duration of the clip. Resetting the clip speed sets the Speed Multiplier property to 1.Note: The clip play speed only recognizes positive values 0.001 and greater. You cannot set the clip play speed to a negative value. This does not, for example, play an Animation ...
I am not sure about playing an audio clip from a specific time. If no one has suggestions for a specific action for this, I could probably write one for you.There is an "audio pause" action. Unity can loop the whole track out of the box (there is also an audio loop actions which...
AudioPlayRandomClipAction "Plays a random AudioClip. An AudioSource for the clip is created aut...