未来提高PLPP1表达或可成为癌症治疗的新方向。 --- 如果遇到任何技术问题,大家可以戳我们下图中的客服小伙伴来解决~~ 参考文献: [1]Ping,Yu et al.PD-1 signaling limits expression of phospholipid phosphatase 1 and promotes intratumoral CD8+T cell ferroptosis.Immunity....
近日,郑州大学生物细胞治疗中心张毅教授研究团队在Immunity上发表了题为“PD-1 signaling limits expression of phospholipid phosphatase 1 and promotes intratumoral CD8+ T cell ferroptosis ”的文章,对肿瘤浸润CD8+T细胞的磷脂代谢进行了详细解析和探究,为未来提高T细胞相关的免疫治疗疗效奠定了理论基础。该研究中的单...
磷脂磷酸酶1(PLPP1)是一种调控磷脂代谢的关键酶,那在TME中PD-1与 PLPP1的表达是否相关,PLPP1能否调控磷脂代谢来损害CD8+ T细胞的功能,都值得深入探究。 本月,由郑州大学第一附属医院张毅教授带领的研究团队在《Immunity》杂志上发表了题为“PD-1 signaling limits expression of phospholipid phosphatase 1 and p...
Transcriptomic analysis and immune inference using single state deconvolution (Methods) revealed an increase in the overall immune cell expression at flare. Notably, transcriptome signaling revealed that activated CD8+ T cells were significantly increased in both samples following ICI (Fig. 6a,b and ...
Anti-programmed death-1 (PD-1) immunotherapy that aims to restore T cell activity in cancer patients frequently leads to immune-related adverse events such as colitis. However, the underlying mechanism is still elusive. Here, we find that Pdcd1-deficient
近日,来自美国哥伦比亚大学的Alberto Ciccia研究小组在Cell杂志上发表题为SMARCAL1 is a dual regulator of innate immune signaling and PD-L1 expression that promotes tumor immune evasion的研究论文,这篇文章发现DNA易位酶SMARCAL1通过两种不...
[1]Leuzzi G, Vasciaveo A, Taglialatela A, et al. SMARCAL1 is a dual regulator of innate immune signaling and PD-L1 expression that promotes tumor immune evasion [J]. Cell, 2024. [2]Jiao S, Xia W, Yamaguchi H, et al. PARP inhibitor upregulates PD-L1 expression and enhances cancer...
(RNA-seq) analysis from primary human and murine PD-1-deficient T-NHLs2demonstrates that these tumors are characterized by distinct gene expression that is presumably also shaped by epigenetic mechanisms. Nevertheless, the molecular link between PD-1 signaling and metabolic and epigenetic reprogramming...
augmented luciferase reporter activity, whereas coexpression of PDLIM1 potently suppressed this TLR-induced luciferase reporter transactivation (Fig. 2a), Since PDLIM1 is a cytoplasmic protein, we predicted that it might interact with cytoplasmic signaling molecules to suppress TLR-induced signaling. ...
It is well established that PD-1 is expressed by follicular T cells but its function in regulation of human T helper cells has been unclear. We investigated the expression modality and function of PD-1 expressed by human T cells specialized in helping B