Single-cell analysis identifies conserved features of immune dysfunction in simulated microgravity and spaceflight[J]. Nature Communications, 2024, 15(1): 4795. 研究背景 微重力环境与免疫功能紊乱相关,具体机制不明。 宇航员在低地球轨道(如国际空间站)中会经历免疫功能障碍。 研究方法 使用单细胞分析技术...
3.体外受精治疗——PBMCs宫腔灌注 淋巴在很多不孕不育的患者在第三代试管婴儿过程中,患者的相关检查都是一切正常,但在多次移植后依然失败,失败率较高,这种情况都统一称为“原因不明”。一个全新的宫腔灌注技术近年受到了国际追捧——PBMCs外周血单个核细胞(PBMCs)宫腔灌注(抽提患者自身的PBMCs后在体外进行培养和刺...
celltype[celltype$ClusterID %in% c(2),2]='Memory CD4 T' celltype[celltype$ClusterID %in% c(3),2]='B' celltype[celltype$ClusterID %in% c(4),2]='CD8 T' celltype[celltype$ClusterID %in% c(5),2]='FCGR3A+ Mono' celltype[celltype$ClusterID %in% c(6),2]='NK' celltype[cellt...
文献学习008--[sc]两篇PBMC单细胞文献阅读 1. A single-cell map for the transcriptomic signatures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in end stage renal disease 这是今年刚发的一篇文章,影响因子5.991。因为是做PBMC的,来学习一下分析思路和亚群注释的方法。 背景:终末期肾衰存在systemic inflammation和immune...
我还怕什么呢?大胆地定义细胞的类型吧。 [1] [2] [3]
pbmc$Single_cell <- Anno1$pruned.labels DimPlot(pbmc, reduction = "umap", = 'Single_cell' ,pt.size = 0.5,label = FALSE) ggsave(filename = 'FIG/Single_cell_Annotation_umap.png',width = 10,height = 8) 更多资讯请关注“云准科技”公众号 ...
[1] Jovic, Dragomirka et al. “Single-cell RNA sequencing technologies and applications: A brief overview.” Clinical and translational medicine vol. 12,3 (2022): e694. doi:10.1002/ctm2.694 [2] Geirsdottir, Laufey et al. “Cross-Species Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Divergence of the Prima...
B cellsT cellsCYTOTOXIC T cellsB cell differentiationIMMUNOLOGIC memoryCLONE cellsAbnormalities in glucose metabolism that precede the onset of type 2 diabetes (T2D) activate immune cells, leading to elevated inflammatory factors and chronic inflammation. However, no single-cell...
Clustering metrics for single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are used to assess the quality and reliability of the clustering results. These metrics help in evaluating the performance of different clustering algorithms and parameter settings. One commonly...
9. Improved outcome in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation over the past 25 years: a single-center experience.[J].Schwarzinger I;Greinix HT;Rabitsch W;Boehm A;Valent P;Kalhs P;Walcherberger B;Pernicka E;Hinterberger W;Sperr WR;...