### 首先看看GSE164241 是2021发表在CELL杂志的《Human oral mucosa cell atlas reveals a stromal- neutrophil axis regulating tissue immunity》,文章的第一层次降维聚类分群是比较简单的: endothelial (ACKR1, RAMP2, SELE, VWF, PECAM1), fibroblast (LUM, COL3A1, DCN, COL1A1, CFD), immune (CD69, ...
首先看看GSE164241 是2021发表在CELL杂志的《Human oral mucosa cell atlas reveals a stromal- neutrophil axis regulating tissue immunity》,文章的第一层次降维聚类分群是比较简单的: endothelial (ACKR1, RAMP2, SELE, VWF, PECAM1), fibroblast (LUM, COL3A1, DCN, COL1A1, CFD), immune (CD69, CD52,...
首先看看GSE164241 是2021发表在CELL杂志的《Human oral mucosa cell atlas reveals a stromal- neutrophil axis regulating tissue immunity》,文章的第一层次降维聚类分群是比较简单的: endothelial (ACKR1, RAMP2, SELE, VWF, PECAM1), fibroblast (LUM, COL3A1, DCN, COL1A1, CFD), immune (CD69, CD52,...
1. Hladik F, McElrath M J. Setting the stage: host invasion by HIV[J]. Nature Reviews Immunology, 2007, 7(6): 447-457. 2. Lakshmikanth T, Nohrstedt C, de Almeida M, et al. A single-cell transcriptomic atlas of the human retina identifies cell types associated with age-related m...
是2021发表在CELL杂志的《Human oral mucosa cell atlas reveals a stromal- neutrophil axis regulating tissue immunity》,文章的第一层次降维聚类分群是比较简单的: endothelial (ACKR1, RAMP2, SELE, VWF, PECAM1), fibroblast (LUM, COL3A1, DCN, COL1A1, CFD), immune (CD69, CD52, CXCR4, PTPRC, ...
Adding cell-level metadata Adding miscellaneous information Adding tool-specific results 可以看到这个参考数据集做了基本的计算,并以h5Seurat文件的形式存储,这种格式允许在磁盘上存储多模式Seurat对象。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 ...
atlas contains code for integrating the seven datasets and performing the downstream analyses. The scripts in each folder should be run in the following order: combine_datasets.py to create a single AnnData object for seven datasets. prepare_combined.py to peform the clean up, such as removing...
别是HumanPrimaryCellAtlasData、BlueprintEncodeData、 DatabaseImmuneCellExpressionData、NovershternHematopoieticData和 MonacoImmuneData)对细胞进行注释,如图10它们的大群细胞注释结果与人工 注释结果基本保持一致。 表4各个clusters对应的细胞类型 ClustersCelltypeMarkergenes 2,3,11CD8T细胞CD8A、CD8B 0,1,8CD4T细胞CD4...
Y. Gao, Y. Yang, S. Qin, L. Zhang, H. Ouyang, P. du, L. Jiang, B. Zhang, Y. Yang, X. Wang, X. Ren, J. X. Bei, X. Hu, Z. Bu, J. Ji, Z. Zhang, A pan-cancer single-cell transcriptional atlas of tumor infiltrating myeloid cells. Cell 184, 792–809.e23 (2021)....
Leukocytes from mice blood, spleen, and bone marrow (BM) were quantified using flow cytometry. Briefly, 100 μL peripheral blood was collected in EDTA anticoagulant tubes. Single-cell suspensions of the spleen were obtained through mechanical disaggregation. Single-cell suspensions of the BM were fl...