Reference: “A single-cell multi-omic atlas spanning the adult rhesus macaque brain” by Kenneth L. Chiou, Xingfan Huang, Martin O. Bohlen, Sébastien Tremblay, Alex R. DeCasien, Diana R. O’Day, Cailyn H. Spurrell, Aishwarya A. Gogate, Trisha M. Zintel, Cayo Biobank Rese...
In this resource, we present the Brain Cell Atlas, a unified single-cell atlas of the human brain assembled from 70 studies, with 11.3M cells or nuclei that covered nearly all major regions of the brain in health and diseases as well as 103 studies of mouse data of 15M cells. We demon...
atlas with a multimodal nature. The recent integration of next-generation sequencing with modified patch-clamp techniques is revolutionizing the way to census the primate neocortex, enabling a multimodal neuronal atlas to be established in great detail: (1) single-cell/single-nucleus RNA-seq ...
While single-cell technologies have greatly advanced our comprehension of human brain cell types and functions, studies including large numbers of donors and multiple brain regions are needed to extend our understanding of brain cell heterogeneity. Integ
Single-cell atlas of the human brain vasculature across development, adulthood and diseaseThomas Wälchli, Moheb Ghobrial, Marc Schwab, Shigeki Takada, Hang Zhong, Samuel Suntharalingham, Sandra Vetiska, Daymé Rodrigues Gonzalez, Ruilin Wu, Hubert Rehrauer, Anuroopa Dinesh, Kai...
Cell–cell interaction analyses predict substantial endothelial-to-perivascular cell ligand–receptor cross-talk, including immune-related and angiogenic pathways, thereby revealing a central role for the endothelium within brain neurovascular unit signalling networks. Our single-cell brain atlas provides ...
2. Zhang M, Eichhorn SW, Zingg B, et al. Spatially resolved cell atlas of the mouse primary motor cortex by MERFISH. Nature. Oct 2021;598(7879):137-143. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03705-x 3. Goralski T, Meyerdirk L, Breton ...
The human cortex comprises diverse cell types that emerge from an initially uniform neuroepithelium that gives rise to radial glia, the neural stem cells of the cortex. To characterize the earliest stages of human brain development, we performed single-cell RNA-sequencing across regions of the deve...
While the roles of parenchymal microglia in brain homeostasis and disease are fairly clear, other brain-resident myeloid cells remain less well understood. By dissecting border regions and combining single-cell RNA-sequencing with high-dimensional cytome
Now a multinational team of scientists led by experts at Cincinnati Children's has developed an "atlas" of human fetal brain development so detailed that it details growth steps all the way down to changes occurring at the single-cell level. Details were published Nov. 30 inNature. ...