InTP53-mutated MDS, the “multihit” involvement with other genomic or chromosomal alterations is observed [58].TP53copy-number loss is prevalent in 70% of AML cases with a concomitantTP53gene abnormality [32]. The recently investigated cohort of five hundred de novo and refractory AML patients...
The keys to understanding the mechanisms through which p53 suppresses tumorigenesis have largely come from the study of cultured cells. After initial confusion about the actual sequence of thewild type(wt) p53 gene was resolved, it became clear that the wt p53 gene, but not its mutant forms, ...
also enhance the expression of a test gene regulated by the multi–drug resistance enhancer–promoter element. These data demonstrate a gain of function associated with p53 mutations in addition to the loss of function shown previously to be associated with mutations in this tumour suppressor gene....
1.6质粒,抗体,细胞系,化合物和小鼠 表达人全长p53的pcdna3.1由xinlu教授(牛津大学)赠予,表达融合gst和人全长p53蛋白的pgex-2tk从addgene购买(#24860),克隆表达p53核心的pet28a用于结晶实验,无需引入任何标签。 抗购自以下公司:do1(ab1101,abcam)、pab1620(mabe339,emdmillipore)、pab240(op29,emdmillipore)、p...
加州大学河滨分校医学院的郑斯卡教授为该文章的通讯作者,并与南加州大学的陈亮教授合作完成,博士后林琳和赵敬荣为该文章的共同第一作者。该研究此项工作得到City of Hope的Chun-Wei Chen研究团队和加州大学圣地亚哥分校的Gene W. Yeo...
The TP53 gene has a significant frequency of alteration in human cancers, which is associated with a high rate of tumor progression in an uncontrolled way. Li-Fraumeni syndrome has the possibility of a variety of early-onset cancers, which the underlying cause is those germline mutations [1]....
The tumor suppressor p53 is a sequence-specific transcription factor that regulates an extensive network of coding genes, long non-coding RNAs and microRNAs, that establish intricate gene regulatory circuits influencing many cellular responses beyond the prototypical control of cell cycle, apoptosis and ...
it remains entirely elusive how p53 regulates actomyosin contraction in response to DNA-damaging agents. To identify a novel p53 regulating gene encoding the modulator of myosin, we conducted DNA microarray analysis. We found that, in response to DNA-damaging agent doxorubicin, expression of myotonic...
Pathology Diagnosis and Molecular Classification to Targeted TherapyAdvances in Experimental RadiotherapyAdvances in Gynecological Oncology: From Pathogenesis to TherapyAdvances in NK/T-cell Lymphoma, Epidemiology, Biology and TherapyAdvances in Our Understanding of ALK-Related Cancers: A Selection of Papers ...
p53是一种肿瘤抑制基因(tumor suppressor gene)。在所有恶性肿瘤中,50%以上会出现该基因的突变。由这种基因编码的蛋白质(protein)是一种转录因子(transcriptional factor),其控制着细胞周期的启动。许多有关细胞健康的信号向p53蛋白发送。关于是否开始细胞分裂就由这个蛋白决定。如果这个细胞受损,又不能得到修复,则p53蛋...