RNAseq analysis showed that the induction of immune gene expression was comparable across all the APOE genotypes in PS19 mice. Notably, the APOE4 homozygous mice showed additional induction of transcripts corresponding to the Alzheimer's disease-related plaque-induced gene signature. In human ...
Cat. No. 500-0006). Equal amounts of cortical protein (4 mg) from three mice were pooled into one cortex sample; equal amounts of cortex protein (2 mg) from six mice were pooled as the negative
【现货Apoe小鼠购买价格优惠apoe小鼠购买快速发货】 北京|离子通道膜片钳检测服务 【免疫缺陷模型OT-1小鼠转基因OT-2小鼠价格优】 【现货免疫缺陷Rag1小鼠购买Rag2小鼠价格优惠】 【现货C3H/He小鼠购买C3H/He小鼠价格优】 各月龄C57老龄鼠购买价格 【现货促销】PD-A53T小鼠 MAPT小鼠Tau P301S小鼠 【现货促销】...