CD14 是细菌脂多糖的共同受体,在单核细胞和巨噬细胞中特异性表达。CD16 是一种抗体 (IgG) 受体,由两个几乎相同的基因FCGR3A和FCGR3B表达。另外,在人的经典单核细胞中还存在高水平的CCR2、CCR5和CD62L。 2、非经典单核细胞中级单核细胞(Intermediate monocyte)表现为高表达CD14和低表达CD16,记为CD14++ CD16...
CD14(++)CD16+ monocytes but not total monocyte numbers predict cardiovascular events in dialysis patients . Kidney Int 2008; 73 : 622–629.Heine GH, Ulrich C, Seibert E, et al. CD14(++)CD16+ monocytes but not total monocyte numbers predict cardiovascular events in dialysis patients. Kidney ...
For large-scale isolation of CD14+CD16- monocytes from leukapheresis samples, see the large-format (1x10^10 cells) kit (Catalog #100-0697). Learn more about how immunomagnetic EasySep™ technology works or how to fully automate immunomagnetic cell isolation with RoboSep™. Alternatively, choose...
起始样本为新鲜制备的外周血单核细胞,富集后CD14+细胞纯度通常为73%-81%。 可从含有大量CD16+细胞的样品获得稍低纯度的CD14+细胞。 组成成分: ▪EasySep™人单核细胞富集抗体混合物,不去除CD16,1 mL ▪EasySep™磁珠,1 mL ▪ RoboSep™缓冲液*(货号#20104) ...
MagniSort™ Human Pan-Monocyte Enrichment Kit 设计用于通过阴性选择对常规 CD14+ 和非常规 CD16+CD14- 单核细胞进行磁性分离。它经过优化,可利用生物素化的抗体混合物和链霉素亲和素包被的磁珠从正常人外周血单核细胞中分离人类泛单核细胞。非目标细胞(包括 CD16+ NK 细胞)将由抗体结合,随后结合至磁珠,将其...
MagniSort™ Human Pan-Monocyte Enrichment Kit 设计用于通过阴性选择对常规 CD14+ 和非常规 CD16+CD14- 单核细胞进行磁性分离。它经过优化,可利用生物素化的抗体混合物和链霉素亲和素包被的磁珠从正常人外周血单核细胞中分离人类泛单核细胞。非目标细胞(包括 CD16+ NK 细胞)将由抗体结合,随后结合至磁珠,将其...
中级单核细胞(Intermediate monocyte)表现为高表达CD14和低表达CD16,记为CD14++ CD16+。与经典单核细胞一样,中级单核细胞也表现出炎症特性,但它们具有较低的过氧化物酶活性并且还分泌TNF和IL-1B。在全身感染(如 HIV)患者中可观察到中级单核细胞水平升高,这表明它们可能在抗原呈递和快速病原体防御中发挥...
Peripheral blood was obtained from 143 patients suffering from PAOD (Rutherford stage I to VI) and three monocyte subsets were identified by flow cytometry: CD14++CD16− classical monocytes, CD14+CD16++ non-classical monocytes and CD14++CD16+ intermediate monocytes. Additionally the expression of ...
2–3%CD16 CD14Hi CD64 HLA-DRHi TNFR1Hi TNFR2CD192Low CX3CR1Hi CD195Pro-inflammatory ProducesTNF-a,IL1b, andIL-6 Nonclassical 10%CD14Low CD16Hi TNFR1Low TNFR2HiAnti-inflammatory Constitutively producesIL-1RA Abbreviations:CD, cluster of differentiation; CXC, cystei...
The gating strategy for monocytes and their subsets were defined based on the cell surface expression of CD14 and CD16 (Fig. 1). Discussion Household contacts of index cases of tuberculosis are at increased risk of development of active TB compared to the general population as shown by various...