MHCIII类基因 MHCIII类基因是20074公布的免疫学名词。定义 位于MHCI和MHCII类基因区之间的一组基因。编码产物为某些血清补体成分,如人C2、Bf、C4A和C4B。出处 《免疫学名词》。
因此,PAD4 通过转录调控负向调节不同巨噬细胞亚群的 MHC II 类表达。 作者验证了 PAD4 与巨噬细胞中 MHC II 类相关信号之间的反向关系。对上述单细胞 RNA 测序数据进行的基因组富集分析(Gene set enriched analysis,GSEA)显示,小鼠 Padi4 高的巨噬细胞表现出多种上调通路,包括肽基精氨酸修饰(GO: 0018195)、...
MHC分子高亲和力与抗原肽结合成为复合物,这是保证MHC分子有效提呈抗原 的重要前提。 MHC-I分子的肽槽由MHC-Ia链的 a1和 a2结构域组成,而MHC-II分子的肽 槽由MHC-IIa 链的 a1和MHC-IIb 链的 b1结构域组成。前者的两端处于封闭 状,而后者的两端则较为开放。MHC-I分子...
With two exceptions, all NWM class II genes were found to group separately from the human sequences. Only the sequences of one nonfunctional DQB locus appeared to be more closely related to human genes than to other platyrrhine DQB genes. In the DRB family one gene was found that ...
Entrez Gene ID:(Dog) 474861,(Dog) 474862,(Dog) 474860 功能 major histocompatibility complex protein 参与通路 adaptive immune responseantigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II 性能保障 只要您发现Invitrogen抗体在实验中的表现与网站或说明书的所...
LMP又称蛋白酶体相关基因(proteasome-related gene),由LMP2和LMP7两个基因组成,其编码产物LMP(low molecular mass polypeptide or large multifunctional protease)与内源性抗原的处理有关。TAP为多肽转运体基因,包括TAP1和TAP2两个基因,其编码产物TAP(transporter of antigenic peptides)与抗原肽的转运有关。HLA复合...
Gene-knockout mice carrying deletions of the corresponding mouse gene (C2ta) also show most features of the human disease. The highly regulated pattern of expression of the gene encoding CIITA dictates where, when and to what level MHC class II genes are expressed. Transcription of the gene ...
The two classical class II antigens produced by the MHC (H2) complex in mice, called I-A and I-E, are each composed of an α− and a β−chain. In many inbred mouse lines, the I-Eα gene is non-functional37. Thus, MHCb/b strains, such as C57BL/6, express two copies of...
HLA-DR, like other MHC class II molecules, is a transmembrane glycoprotein composed of a 36 kDa alpha chain (DRA) and 27 kDa beta chain (DRB). The alpha chain gene contains 5 exons. Exon 1 encodes the leader peptide, exons 2 and 3 encode the two extracellular domains, and exon 4 enc...