2022年11月2日,《核酸研究》(Nucleic Acids Research)在线发表了复旦大学生命科学学院/人类表型组研究院徐书华教授团队开发的人类主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)基因数据库和计算分析平台PGG.MHC(https://www.pggmhc.org/pggmhc或https://pog.fudan.edu.cn/pggmhc),论文题为“PGG.MHC: toward understanding the divers...
List of annotated MHC gene clusters of saltwater crocodile genome from a total of nine BACs.Weerachai JaratlerdsiriJanine DeakinRicardo M. GodinezXueyan ShanDaniel G. PetersonSylvain MartheyEric LyonsFiona M. McCarthySally R. IsbergDamien P. Higgins...
Hence, we used a multi-modal single-cell sequencing approach to analyze the expression of an established gene list of tissue repair-associated factors39,41 in colonic CD4 T cells that had been stimulated with either cytokines (IL-12 and IL-18), plate-bound anti-CD3 antibodies or a ...
| addgene | ademtech | adg | adi | adipogen | adooq | advanced bioscience laboratories, inc | advanced biotechnologies | advanced biotechnologies incorporated | Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing | advanced chemtech | Advanced Environmental Solutions Inc. | advanced immunochemical | advanced immunochemical in...
DRB genemajor histocompatibility complexmolecular evolutiontrans-species polymorphismVormela peregusnaThe marbled polecat, Vormela peregusna, is a small marten-like mustelid distributed from southeastern Europe to western China. Since the individual numbers of this species have declined, it has been ...
In the second strategy, gene expression in the two conditions was compared by using a random sampling method for differential cloning, differential mRNA display. Surprisingly, none of the known mRNAs tested were altered significantly in the LGN upon 10 days of activity blockade. Differential mRNA ...
The top MHC SNP rs2844731 (R2 = 0.113, p = 0.00063, fdr = 0.42) was 291st on the list (sorted by significance) (Additional File 3: Table S2). The closest non-pseudo-gene is HLA-E. Using the Fisher meta value, the MHC region as a whole showed a greater excess of significantly ...
Forward stepwise regression models for anti-La Marker Estimates from the multiple regression model Single marker 213 OR 95% CI P-value Class Gene OR P-value (A) Forward stepwise regression (BIC ¼ 1677.92) rs2894254 (CoA) 3.38 2.74–4.16 3.40 Â 10 À 30 Class III c6orf10—BTNL2 ...
Identical with the Gene Bank Ref. ID sequence. Nucleotide may contain silent mutation without changing amino acid sequence. Cat:HG13258-NH Product Name:Human, MR1/MHC-related 1 cDNA ORF Clone, N-His tag Price:¥1770 Size:1Unit NCBI Ref Seq:BC012485 ...
Through the analyses in this study, we have shown evidence of selection acting on the MHC DRB gene of the NZSL that does not appear to be influenced by undetected population substructure. The free-ratio model was not favoured over the one-ratio model, suggest- ing that the selective ...