The installation and usage: how do you install R packages from CRAN, CRAN mirrors, Bioconductor, or Github? What are some functions that are related to install.packages() and that you can use to update, remove, … packages? How can you use the user interface to install packages? How do...
install.packages("ggmap") The last step in the configuration process is to connect R and Google Maps. That's done with the API key you've just created. Make sure to specify write = TRUE so you don't have to call this function ever again: ggmap::register_google(key = "<your-api-...
phyloseq is actually supported on all recent versions of R, even the devel one but you must install it through Bioconductor to be sure to get the dependencies right (and not just use install.packages in an RSTudio window which always says : not available. Please try the following two lines...
Yup kids, it’s that time again. The new version of R was just released. In the past I’ve hesitated to upgrade my R version because I knew I would lose all of my packages during the new install, which makes me very grumpy. I found this neat little trick to save my current packag...
How-To: Reading SAS data To read SAS files in R, we can use the {haven} package, created and maintained by the tidyverse ecosystem. It provides functions to read SAS datasets. Here's a step-by-step guide to reading SAS files in R: #install.packages(“haven”) library(haven) sas_...
Linux might require some additional tweaking, so feel free to go over the official installation instructions. How to Use R Docker to Run R Script in a Container This section will walk you through the process of writing a simple R script, and then automating its execution in a Docker containe...
A package manager is a tool which automates the process of installing, updating, and removing packages. If you are a Python user, you may have used the package manager pip or the package manager functionality of conda to install, update, or remove packages. If you are an R user, you ...
configure renv to use a global package cache and add OS/linux-distro specific additional level in the directory structure add Java integration to the installed version of R since rJava is a problematic R package setup binary repositories for CRAN and BioConductor from public RSPM for CentOS 7 ad...
>Bioconductor package...the question is: how to do such things in general? How >can I access the INSTALL_DIR of another tool from within another >tool_dependency.xml? If I can do this, then my problem is solved. If you really want to build your R packages by your own. Have a look...
You need to install the following plugins/packages. Cytoscape Plugin Just copy the following jar files to Cytoscape plugin directory. CytoscapeRPC Plugin 0.95 or later. Apache XML RPC library Required files are inlibdirectory: xmlrpc-common-3.1.3.jar, xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar, ws-commons-util-...