The installation and usage: how do you install R packages from CRAN, CRAN mirrors, Bioconductor, or Github? What are some functions that are related to install.packages() and that you can use to update, remove, … packages? How can you use the user interface to install packages? How do...
phyloseq is actually supported on all recent versions of R, even the devel one but you must install it through Bioconductor to be sure to get the dependencies right (and not just use install.packages in an RSTudio window which always says : not available. Please try the following two lines...
The simplest and quickest complete data method is found to perform favorably.Software implementing all three of the complete data normalization methods is available as part of the R package Affy, which is a part of the Bioconductor ... BM Bolstad,RA Irizarry,M Astrand,... - 《Bioinformatics...
install.packages("ggmap") The last step in the configuration process is to connect R and Google Maps. That's done with the API key you've just created. Make sure to specify write = TRUE so you don't have to call this function ever again: ggmap::register_google(key = "<your-api-...
How-To: Reading SAS data To read SAS files in R, we can use the {haven} package, created and maintained by the tidyverse ecosystem. It provides functions to read SAS datasets. Here's a step-by-step guide to reading SAS files in R: #install.packages(“haven”) library(haven) sas_...
If you are a Python user, you may have used the package manager pip or the package manager functionality of conda to install, update, or remove packages. If you are an R user, you may have used the RStudio Package Manager to install, update, or remove packages. Homebrew is a package ...
So, you've written this amazing R script, but your coworkers can't run it? It works on your machine, so they have to be doing something wrong, right? Wrong. It's all about isolating and managing R environments. And that's where R Docker comes in. Think of Docker as a program tha...
configure renv to use a global package cache and add OS/linux-distro specific additional level in the directory structure add Java integration to the installed version of R since rJava is a problematic R package setup binary repositories for CRAN and BioConductor from public RSPM for CentOS 7 ad...
install.packages(missing) update.packages() Note: If you had any packages from BioConductor, you can update those too! source("") chooseBioCmirror() biocLite() load("installed_old.rda") tmp <- installed.packages() ...
How to upgrade R in Ubuntu November 7, 2011 — cma007 1) Read the installation guidelines at 2) check the Codename (natty? lucid? …. Here we suppose it is natty ) of your ubuntu with the command: # lsb_release -a ...