I tried running BiocManager::install() to upgrading my packages library with the new 3.11 container. Packages updated except for BiocVersion, which is on site-library, due to insufficient permissions. I started R inside the container lik...
RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y python3 && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7.3.2、使用build命令创建新镜像文件; cobbler@cobbler-docker:~$ sudo docker image build -t python:3 . 1. 8、导出和导入镜像: 8.1、导出已制作好...
'help()'foron-line help,or'help.start()'foran HTML browserinterfacetohelp.Type'q()'toquit R.>if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager",quietly=TRUE))+install.packages("BiocManager")>BiocManager::install()Bioconductor version
BiocManager::install("lcolladotor/biocthis") Example Here is how you can usebiocthisto create a new Bioconductor-friendly R package (illustrated using a temporary directory): ## Load biocthislibrary("biocthis")## Create an example package for illustrative purposes.## Note: you do not need ...
Results In response to these concerns, we have developed a Scalable Pipeline for Expression Analysis and Quantification (SPEAQeasy), which is easy to install and share, and provides a bridge towards R/Bioconductor downstream analysis solutions. SPEAQeasy is portable across computational frameworks (SGE...
lwaldron commented Jan 2, 2021 Unless I've missed something, you have to use an alternative like devtools::install('.', dependencies=TRUE, build_vignettes=TRUE, repos = BiocManager::repositories()) to install a local package normally or in Dockerfiles, taking us away from BiocManager as ou...
TheMethPedclassifier depends on therandomForestpackage for random forest algorithm. If necessary this can be installed from CRAN. install.packages("randomForest") If there are missing values present in the data, theimputepackage can be installed for missing data imputation. This is however optional...
install_github("lifs-tools/rgoslin",ref="adding_masses") If you also want to build the help and vignette, add the following arguments: install_github("lifs-tools/rgoslin",ref="adding_masses",build_manual=TRUE,build_vignettes=TRUE)
Recently, in order to install the dev version of singleR, I changed R 3.6.2 to R 4.0.0 and installed the Rtools40. When I load the package called S4Vectors, there's something wrong. ` library(S4Vectors) Loading required package: stats4 L...
Following the criteria used in our previous overview on RNA-seq analysis interfaces [21], our package reaches out to the life/medical scientist, being simple to install and use, based on robust statistical methods, and offering multiple levels of documentation. ideal allows scientists to easily ta...